

分类: 英语口语 


Across-the-board: 全面的/ across-the-board tariff cut.

Advance: 预付

Affinity marketing: 亲和推销 (专向特定社会团体成员推销产品或劳务)

Amortize: 分期偿还

Antidumping duties: 反倾销税

Arbitrage: 套利

Bankruptcy petition: 破产申请

Basic tax exemption: 基本免税额

Basic wage hike: 增加基本工资

Bilateral trade settlement formula 双边贸易清算方案

Black economy: 黑账经济(隐瞒牟利收入而不向税务局申报以逃避缴税的)

Bottom out: (证券市场行情)停止下跌并即将回升;境界衰退降至最低点即将复苏

Bourse: 欧洲的证券交易所

Business malpractice: 商业上的不法行为

Business pickup: 商业情况好转

Business tycoon: 实业巨头

Capital construction: 基本建设

Capital of circulation: 流通资本

Capital tie-up: 资本滞结

Cash crop: 经济作物

Cash on delivery: 货到付款 (COD)

Ceiling price: 最高限价

Cheap money: 低利借款

Cheap money policy: 放松银根政策

Closing-out sale: 抛售

Closing quotation: 收盘行情

Commercial ethics: 商业道德

Commission: 佣金

Complimentary: 赠送的 complimentary delivery service: 免费送货服务

Conglomerate: 联合大企业

Convertibility: 货币的可兑换性

Cost and freight: (C&F) 成本加运费价格

Credit sale: 赊账

Crunch: 财政压力 the crunch on resources 财源的不足

Curb domestic inflation 抑制国内通货膨胀

Customs manifest: 报关载货清单#p#副标题#e#

Customs tariff: 关税率

Dead stock: 卖不出去的存货

Deficit-ridden government 负债累累的政府

Dishonor: 拒付 a dishonored check 不能兑现的支票

Downturn in production: 生产下降

Exchange conversion table: 汇兑换算表

Public finance: 国家财政

Freight payable at destination: 运费到付

Fringe benefit: 附加福利. The salary is not bad, and among the fringe benefits are a company car and a rentfree house.

Golden bullet: 一本万利的产品

Greenbacking: 提供资金

Hallmark: (任何商品上的)纯正有知证明

Higher income bracket: 高额收入等级

Hot money: 短期流动资金,游资

Import formalities: 进口手续

Inactive: 滞销的

Income tax evasion: 偷漏所得税

Interest spread: 利息差额

Invitation of foreign capital: 引进外资

Invitation to bid: 招标

Kickback: 回扣

Loan shark: 放高利贷者

Lombard street: 伦敦金融中心

Lull: 暂时呆滞时期 an economic lull, lull in business

Narrow margin of profit 微利

Merchant prince: 豪商,巨贾

Minimum taxable income

Make a mint 赚了一大笔钱

Monetary easing 银根放松

Monetary stringency 银根收缩

Nominal fee: 象征性收费

Off season: 淡季

Rally: 跌停回升 The market staged a modest rally.

Remuneration: 丰厚的酬金

Small profits and quick returns: 薄利多销

Seed capital: 原始资本

Retaliatory tariff: 报复性关税

Tax threshold: 起税限度

Trade-in: 以旧物折价抵冲部分货价

Triple-A: 财务信誉最高级别

Unemployed capital: 游资

Uptick: 上涨,上升

Windfall: 一笔横财

