

分类: 英语口语 
Get down! 爬下,蹲下
Freeze! 不许动
Duck! 低头(让你手抱头,作投降动作)

2. You just can’t get over… (表达不能忘却,不能从…阴影中走出来)
e.g. The French soccer fans can’t get over the world cup 2002.
3. dwell on (口语中常和否定连用,表达“老记着”“老想着”的意思)
e.g. We shouldn’t dwell on someone’s past. 我们不能老揪着某人的过去不放。
Hey, it’s been five years since you lost the car, you shouldn’t dwell on this forever.
1. play chicken (开车时,迎面来了一辆车,你不去避让,赌对方会让开,一种冒险的游戏)
e.g. When you drive you’d better not play chicken with cars.

2. Don’t be a baby! (不要老是发牢骚)
e.g. Don’t be a baby! Go talk to your boss.
e.g. She is such a baby

3. keep my edge (保持最佳状态,stay sharp)
e.g. I have to speak English every day just in order to keep my edge.
4. Hoing your skills (hone 磨刀,这里引申为磨练技术)
e.g. Owning my own computer gives me the chance to hone my computer skills.

1.take you pick 随你选
e.g. We have enough money to buy the DVD player this store has, so take you pick.
2. That was a bad line (line这里指套磁的话,用来吹捧某人,特别是某人想追求另一个人。)
e.g. I didn’t give her my phone number because she used a terrible line.
  I’m not good at meeting girls because I don’t have any pick up lines.
3. a ladies man (讨女人喜欢的男士,很有女人缘的男士)
e.g. My brother always has 2 or more women interested in him, he is a real ladies man.
4. She’s totally buying it. (buy这里就是believe的意思)
e.g. He said he could help me got a job at his company but I don’t’ buy it.

1. It’s up to you. 由你来决定,由你说了算。
e.g. You can say English or Spanish, it’s up to you.
2. What do you mean? (如果你懂得一个人话的表面意思,但不知道对方真是的用意)
e.g. What do you mean we have no more milk. I just bought some yesterday.
3. Can I get a minute 等一下
e.g. Gosh! I think I hurt myself. Can I get a minute?
4. Who do we like for … 凭我们以往的经验会是...
e.g. Who do you like for the best actress at tomorrows Oscar’s?

1. bust my ass
很有意思的短语 bust做动词时是“击打,打击”,字面意思“打某人的屁股”,引申有两层意思。
  e.g. I wish the director just would stop busting my ass because I already have lots of problems.
  e.g. Every day I work, I bust my ass so my family can live well.
2. 口语中常用的生动“单词”
(1)smooth 常有三层意思
i. to be cool/ to be skilled at 对…很有一套
  e.g. He’s very smooth with women because he has dates every weekend
ii. Just describe the kind of person who just can make a difficult task look easy. 举重若轻的人
  e.g. Somebody is a smooth.
iii. be good at influencing people 指一种人非常有感人力。
  e.g. He has a very smooth manner, polite, interesting and a good talker.
(2)sneak (=move silently without being seen) 潜入
e.g. If I come home late, I sneak into my house so I don’t wake anyone up.
(3)head (=go somewhere)
e.g. I’m so tired, I’m heading home.
e.g. Are you heading to class later.
提示,这里的用法应该是head to, 但和home连用就是特殊用法,home做adv.用,这类特殊的常见 词有3个,home, here, there。
1. Come on, guys. I’m killing you here.  我狂胜你
e.g. In the soccer game last week, Chinese killed Japanese.
2. Here’s to you! 为你干杯!
e.g. Wow, you have passed the exam! Here’s to you, honey!

