

分类: 英语口语 
    「发音模仿秀」语音模仿,秀出一口漂亮英语!1) Time to knock off!
NOTE:注意to的弱读,knock off的连读。

2) We'd better get a move on!
NOTE:注意get a的连读,还有move on的连读。


ANDY: Time to knock off!
GARY: Oh, yeah. We can go home now. You know we have been so busy for the whole day. I can't imagine why our boss keeps us working all the time!
ANDY: shh, be careful, the walls have ears! Even you want to complain about your work, you can't shout aloud here. Someone will hear it!
GARY: I don't care much about it! We have the rights to speak, to discuss and to complain.
ANDY: Ok, I know you are the bravest one in our company, but we'd better get a move on, or else we would be late for the bus.

在上面一个对话里面,Andy提出来已经到了knock off的时间,我们可以回家休息了。既然是回家休息,那么knock off很明显是停止做某事,所以Time to knock off就表示该下班了!接下来他们谈到了公司的老板,Gary不明白为什么老板会一直让他们忙个不停!而且显示出抱怨的语气,这个时候Andy提醒他不要说了,还是抓紧时间赶我们的公共汽车吧!We'd better get a move on.我们最好抓紧时间!

1) Time to knock off! 该下班了!
2) We'd better get a move on! 我们最好抓紧时间!


Here are three situations:

S1. Today, a movie called Hero will be showed in the Bohai Cinema. It will begin at 7 p.m. Now is about half past six. Do you want to go with me? If so, please……

S2. Suppose there is a lazybone in your company. That is to say, he has never come to work before 8 a.m. and he would stop working right at 6 p.m. So what would he say when it is about 6 p.m?

S3. Wow, it is about 8 o'clock. Let's be quick, otherwise we would be late for the class and the teacher surely will be angry again. Here, what is the other way to say "Let's be quick"?

