

分类: 英语口语 
「发音模仿秀」语音模仿,秀出一口漂亮英语!1) He has a finger in every pie.
2) The die is cast.


My boss is so tough to everyone in our company. In fact, we are working overtime almost everyday. Even so, he won't be satisfied with what we have done. He is so choosy in work. I remembered one day, he came to our workshop and asked us a lot of questions. Finally, he said, "You shouldn't do it in this way. You must do in that way!" Blah, blah, blah…… He said a lot of nonsense! It seemed that he wanted to have a finger in every pie. I was terribly annoyed. Then I said, "My dear boss, you shouldn't talk to us like that. You are so rude!"

说了这样的话,你一定可以猜想的到,老板也会非常生气,我可能要面临的结果就是被辞掉工作。这也无所谓,反正我也受不了一个这样的老板,He has a finger in every pie. 什么都过问,即使他一点都不懂。不过既然The die is cast. 事已如此,无法挽回,我也就只有努力去另外找一份工作了。what do you think I can do?给我提个建议,我应该去找什么样的工作呢?

1) He has a finger in every pie. 他事事过问。
2) The die is cast. 事已如此,无可挽回!


Here are three situations:

S1. Tom doesn't like to study English at all. As a result, he failed in the final exam. Then he went to the office to find the English teacher Andy and said, "My dear teacher, I promise I will work hard next semester. Can you let me pass this time?" After hearing this, what do you think Andy would say?

S2. Tom likes to talk a lot. Maybe you would say that is a good habit. But what we cannot bear is that he is interested in all the things about others. When you meet him, he will probably begin to ask "why" again and again! So what kind of person do you think Tom is?

S3. Once there was a football match between the English Department and the Social Science Department. Finally the English Department lost this match. Andy was so sad because he was a member of the football team. How would you comfort Andy now?

