

分类: 英语口语 
 When you are trying to convince your friend that you will succeed in the future, you would probably say:
Believe me, I will succeed in the future!
Besides this sentence, do you have some other ways to express?


1)Take my word for it!相信我的话!

Just now, I have given you the phrase "believe me!". We can also say: Take my word for it! For example,

Take my word for it, the child is going places someday! 相信我吧,这个孩子将来会成功的!注意这里我们用的是go places, 意思和make a success是一样的。另外再给大家一个例子:

Suppose your friend has got ill and you go to see her. Even if she is seriously ill, you can try to comfort her like this: Take my word for it, you will get well soon because we have the best doctors here! 放心吧,你会好的,因为我们这里有的是最好的医生。这其实就是一种鼓励,你要善于给别人以鼓励,也要善于自己给自己鼓劲,when you are down, make yourself cheer up! 失落的时候,让自己振作起来,这样才可以不断前进,对不对?So, take my word for it,一定要相信我的话!

2)I will make it up to you!我会补偿你的。

Suppose we have another situation. That is to say, your suggestion didn't do any good to him. 如果你好心提出的一个建议最后没有给他带来好的结果,你可要学会道歉了,所以你就可以说,Sorry, my suggestion turns out to be bad for you and I will make it up to you! 对不起,我会为我犯的错误作出补偿的。Now, listen carefully, I will give you another situation and try to tell me whether you can use this sentence or not in this situation. 看看在这种场合下,能不能使用这个句子:I will make it up to you!

Days ago, one of your friend came to visit you. You were so happy to hear this because it had been more than 10 years since you met each other last time. 但是不幸的是,你朋友来的那天,你必须要加班。So you were so sorry for that. On this occasion, can you use this sentence to show your regret? 在这种情况下,你会不会用这个句子“I will make it up to you.”来表达你歉意的心情呢?I am sure you would say, I will make it up to you!

Finally, Andy wants to say that I am happy to make this program for you and take my word for it, you can get something from it, if not, I promise I will make it up to you! 今天就到此结束了,See you next time!

