

分类: 英语口语 

Could you come and help me with the spaghetti, please? 可以过来帮我弄一下意大利面吗? I think it might take some of the heat off me. 我想这样可以让我喘口气。 What's that (supposed to) mean? 那是什么意思呢? Nothing! It's an expression. 没有,随便说说而已。 Don't listen to your father. 不要听你爸乱说。 They are satisfied with staying where they are. 他们安于现状。 We don't have that problem. 我们没有那个问题。 What happened between you and him? 你们之间发生什么事了? Here's what happened. 事情是这样的。 She's pregnant with my child, and we are going to raise the baby. 她有了我的孩子,我们准备把孩子养大。 You knew about this? 这些你都知道吗? What does she do? 她是做什么工作的? I kinda gotta clean up now. 我要开始打扫了。 He is an only child. 他是个独生子。 I don't have any problem of this. 我没有这种问题。/ 我没有这种烦恼。 How long was he in there? 他在那里呆多久了? Got any advice? 有什么建议吗? When did it get so complicated? 什么时候变得那么复杂了? Remember when we were in high school together? 还记得我们的高中时代吗? I never thought I'd be here. 我从未想过自己会落得如此地步。 How could I forget? 我怎能忘记? Good shake. Good shake. (握手时)你/他/她的手好有力。 Does she familiar with the situation? 她熟悉情况吗? She's very supportive. 她很支持。 He's gonna be here for hours. 他要在这里呆几个小时。

