

分类: 英语口语 
1.She' s state-of-the-art. "state-of-the-art ""顶尖科技"
eg: Don' t worry - the security systems are state-of-the-art. 不要担心,防御系统是最高级的.
The latest satellite was designed with state-of-the-art technology. 最新的卫星是用最尖端的科技设计制造的.
2.This radar' s still funky. "funky ""坏了,不能用了"
eg: I can' t turn on the light the fuse is still funky. 我开不了灯,保险丝坏了.
He can' t go home tonight as the elevator is still funky. 电梯还是不能用,他今晚没法回家了.
3.I need some quiet time! "need some quiet time ""需要一个人待会儿"
eg: I don' t need to see you right now but I do need some quiet time. 我现在不想见你,我想一个人待会儿.
I am not upset, I just need some quiet time to think. 我不难受,我就是想一个人好好想想.

