
美国俚语:go ballistic 要气死了,快气疯了

分类: 英语口语 
1.She went ballistic. "go ballistic ""要气死了,快气疯了"
eg: My boss went ballistic when I spilled wine on her new white dress.我不小心把酒撒在我老板新的白色裙子上,她快气疯了.
If Linda finds out she failed this class, she' ll go ballistic. 如果Linda要是知道她这门课挂了,她会气疯的.
2.Nothing you do is going to come between us. "sth comes between ""使产生隔阂,受到影响"
eg: My parents are so in love, nothing will ever come between them. 我父母非常相爱,什么都不会影响他们的感情.
Joe and I used to be very good friends,but our political views came between us. 我原来有个好朋友Joe,但我们不同的政见弄得我们之间有隔阂了.
3.get over it 别再想了,别做梦了
eg: You are never going to marry Camron Diaz. Get over it! 你别再想娶Camron Diaz了,那不可能的.
I know you are upset about losing the game, but there' s nothing you can do about it .Get over it.我知道你为比赛失利的事不高兴,但也无济于事,别再想了.

