1 . Musk mallow extract - is naturally comforting and softening. Leaves the skin feeling hydrated, soft and utterly pampered.
麝香锦葵精华 - 具有天然的纾缓及软化功效,令肌肤柔软水润,倍感舒适.
2 . Natural lubricants and herbal extracts — including certified organic aloe, echinacea and marsh mallow — help provide excellent detangling.
天然护发及草药成分,包括许可的有机芦荟, 紫锥花和蜀葵,能使秀发不易缠结.
语源Old English meal(u)we, from Latin malva; related to Greek malakhē; compare with mauve行业释义网络释义 医学1.锦葵:锦葵属(Malva)植物。锦葵(M.sylvestris L.)与圆叶锦葵(M.rotundifolia L.)之花与叶,在亚洲和印度用作缓和剂和润滑剂
-mallow1 . 锦葵属
malleus 锤骨mallow锦葵属malm 白垩土
2 . 兰紫
Reality Makers: 紫藤 ... Pansy 锦葵紫 Mallow 兰紫 Orchid 淡紫丁香.
3 . 锦葵属植物
perennial purple - flowered wild mallowof western North America that is also cultivated., 多年生的紫色花的野生锦葵属植物 , 在北美西部也种植.
4 . 锦葵紫
紫色系分类 ... 三色堇紫 Pansy 锦葵紫 Mallow 兰紫 Orchid.
相关词条+African mallow1 . 非洲锦葵属植物纤维
African hemp 非洲大麻African cotton 非洲棉African fibre 非洲纤维African mallow 非洲锦葵属植物纤维African monkey tree fibre 非洲猢狲树纤维African pepper 非洲胡椒.
+mallow vegetable1 . 木槿花科蔬菜
malignant oedema 恶性水肿mallow vegetable 木槿花科蔬菜malpighian tube 马氏管
+marsh mallow1 . 药用蜀葵
marsh horsetail 沼泽问荆marsh mallow 药用蜀葵marsh plant 沼生植物
+tree mallow1 . 花葵
1. 植竖tree mallow 花葵tree planting of pasture 牧场绿化