

分类: 英文单词 





过去式:made  过去式:made  过去式:making  过去式:makes  

1 . For what do we live, but to make sport for our neighbours, and laugh at them in our turn?



2 . Sometimes things have to fall apart to make way for better things.


来自金山词霸 每日一句

3 . Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.



4 . These large institutions make — and change—the rules to suit themselves.



5 . Does this dress make my legs look too stumpy?




make for

1 . 造成,促成:有或促使有某种特定的效果或者结果的

make off

2 . 急忙离开;跑走

make out

3 . 辨明:辨明或看清,特别是在有困难的情况下

make over

4 . 改装;革新

make up

5 . 整理;建立或捏造

make with 【俚语】

6 . 使用

be made of money

7 . (非正式)非常富有

be made up

8 . (北英格兰,非正式)很高兴,很愉快

have (got) it made

9 . (非正式)注定成功

make a day (或night) of it

10 . (尤指愉快地)干(或玩)一整天(或一整夜)

make someone's day

11 . 使某人的一天过得难忘(或愉快);使某人的一天生色

make a House

12 . (英)(下议院中)获得达到法定人数的议员到场

make like

13 . (北美,非正式)假装;模仿

make or break

14 . 不成则败,成功或失败

make sail

15 . (航海)张帆,扬帆

make up one's mind

16 . 下定决心,决定

on the make

17 . (非正式)(尤指肆无忌惮地)追逐名利

put the make on

18 . (北美, 非正式)向…求欢,要求同…发生性关系

make after

19 . (古)追逐,追捕

make away

20 . 同 make off

make something of

21 . 重视;在意

make out informal 非正式

22 . 进展;过日子

make someone/thing out

23 . 看出;听出;辨认出

make something over

24 . 转让某物

make someone up

25 . 为…化妆

make something up

26 . 补充某物,补足某物;弥补某物

make up to

27 . (非正式)讨好,奉承

make with

28 . (美,非正式)使用;提供


make a clean breast of

1 . 坦白交待

make a face

2 . 改变脸部的容貌;扮鬼脸

make a go of

3 . 在…获得成功

make away with

4 . 处理;偷

make believe

5 . 假装

make bold

6 . 冒险

make book【游戏】

7 . 在赛马、比赛或竞赛中接受赌注

make do

8 . 用手头拥有的钱去勉强应付

make ends meet

9 . 收支平衡:设法使某人的财产和花费相抵

make eyes

10 . 向…送秋波

make fun of

11 . 嘲笑;嘲讽

make good

12 . 成功地实施

make hay

13 . 利用:使对某人有利

make it

14 . 【非正式用语】 成功

make light of

15 . 轻视;忽略

make love

16 . 做爱抚的动作

make much of

17 . 重视对待

make no bones about

18 . 对…坦白或直爽;公开承认

make off with

19 . 夺走或偷走

make sail【航海】

20 . 开始航行

make the grade

21 . 达到给定的标准

make the most of

22 . 最大限度地利用

make the scene【俚语】

23 . 出现

make time

24 . 弥补时间:运动或走得更快以便弥补失去的时间

make tracks【俚语】

25 . 匆忙走开或离去

make up (one's) mind

26 . 作出选择;作出决定或提出意见

make waves【俚语】

27 . 引起混乱或争论

make way

28 . 让路;走到一边

on the make【俚语】

29 . 拼命追求经济上或社会地位上的提高

同义词n.1.品牌;型;样式”释义下的同义词 sort type kind brand line vt.2.做;制造;建造;形成”释义下的同义词 originate establish form do produce shape forge build create fabricate execute cause construct fashion start invent manufacture3.引起;产生”释义下的同义词 force compel cause 反义词vt.1.制造;建造;使成功”释义下的同义词 wreck smash break demolish ruin destroy 语源Old English macian, of West Germanic origin, from a base meaning fitting; related to match英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.a recognizable kind;

there's a new brand of hero in the movies now

2.the act of mixing cards haphazardly


1.engage in;

make love, not war

2.give certain properties to something;

get someone mad

3.make or cause to be or to become;

make a mess in one's office

4.cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner;

The ads induced me to buy a VCR

5.give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally;

cause a commotion

6.create or manufacture a man-made product;

We produce more cars than we can sell

7.make, formulate, or derive in the mind;

I draw a line here

8.compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way;

People cannot be made to integrate just by passing a law!

9.create by artistic means;

create a poem

10. earn on some commercial or business transaction; earn as salary or wages;

How much do you make a month in your new job?

11. create or design, often in a certain way;

Do my room in blue

12. to compose or represent:"This wall forms the background of the stage setting";

The branches made a roof

13. reach a goal, e.g., "make the first team";

We made it!

14. be or be capable of being changed or made into;

He makes a great host

15. make by shaping or bringing together constituents;

make a dress

16. perform or carry out;

make a decision

17. make by combining materials and parts;

this little pig made his house out of straw

18. change from one form into another;

make water into wine

19. act in a certain way so as to acquire;

make friends

20. charge with a function; charge to be;

She was named Head of the Committee

21. achieve a point or goal;

Nicklaus had a 70

22. reach a destination, either real or abstract;

We hit Detroit by noon

23. institute, enact, or establish;

make laws

24. carry out or commit;

make a mistake

25. add up to;

four and four make eight

26. form by assembling individuals or constituents;

Make a quorum

27. organize or be responsible for;

hold a reception

28. prepare for eating by applying heat;

Cook me dinner, please

29. put in order or neaten;

make the bed

30. head into a specified direction;

The escaped convict took to the hills

31. have a bowel movement;

The dog had made in the flower beds

32. undergo fabrication or creation;

This wool makes into a nice sweater

33. be suitable for;

Wood makes good furniture

34. amount to;

This salary increase makes no difference to my standard of living

35. constitute the essence of;

Clothes make the man

36. appear to begin an activity;

He made to speak but said nothing i the end

37. proceed along a path;

work one's way through the crowd

38. reach in time;

We barely made the plane

39. gather and light the materials for;

make a fire

40. induce to have sex;

Harry finally seduced Sally

41. assure the success of;

A good review by this critic will make your play!

42. represent fictitiously, as in a play, or pretend to be or act like;

She makes like an actress

43. consider as being;

It wasn't the problem some people made it

44. calculate as being;

I make the height about 100 feet

45. cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable;

make my day

46. favor the development of;

Practice makes the winner

47. develop into;

He will make a splendid father!

48. behave in a certain way;

make merry

49. eliminate urine;

Again, the cat had made on the expensive rug





2. make-up water

3. 补水率

4. make-up water percentage

5. 补给水



2. make-up hydrogen, replenish hydrogen

3. 接通时间

4. make-time

5. 锅炉补给水处理

6. make-up water treatment

7. 补给水率

8. make-up water rate


1 . 使

majority 多数make造;得;使maker □造者

2 . 让

makethe long tail even longer ., 让长尾更加的长尾.

3 . 做

makeup 补充make制造;制订;构成;引起;使得;做make-and-break coupling 快卸接箍

4 . 把

It is for him to makemen what he wills them to be ., 由他来把人类改造成他希望的样子.

相关词条+makes decision-making

1 . 作出决策

the redound of the feasibility that invests a state to make relativity at present in the light of our country is analysed , enumerate all sorts of forecasting the law makes decision-making decision ;针对我国目前投资状况作出比较性的可行性的回报分析,罗列各种预测法作出决策决定;

+make decision-making

1 . 制定决策

it basically is to be leader collect to analyse a case , after the circumstance mastered , can make decision-making , OK deploy battle .它主要是为领导搜集分析情况,情况掌握了以后,就可以制定决策,就可以部署战役。

+makes making

1 . 使得决策

axial Racing have released this new stepped reamer with dimension marks , which makes making holes in lexan easier than ever .轴向赛车已经发布这一新的阶梯铰刀与三维标志,这使得决策洞聚碳酸酯比以往更容易。

+make -

1 . 女性化妆

I have been there three times , for a make - over , fashion analysis and a leg wax .我到那儿去了三次,去作女性化妆、作世上分析和退步脱毛.

1.He got made little ones out of big ones for two years.


2.He made money hand over fist by acting.


3.He'll make a pitch for solar energy.


4.Public officials have to make nice to politicians they cannot stand because they need their good will.



基本意义有制造, 安排, 使成为, 认为, 产生, 获得, 进行, 构成等,使用频繁,另外还有一些特殊用法和固定用法等。

