1 . Specific supervision should be taken to control ketamine abuse.
2 . Propofol was replaced with ketamine if no reliable MEPs could be recorded.
3 . It has been demonstrated that S ( + ) - Ketamine be safe in pediatric experiences.
4 . In children 6 years of age, a ketamine - based anesthesia was used.
在小于6岁的儿童中使用 基于 氯胺酮的麻醉.
5 . Objective To investigate the effects of ketamine on cAMP content.
目的 动态观察氯胺酮对大鼠不同脑区3′5′环腺苷酸(cAMP)含量的影响.
语源mid 20th cent: blend of ketone and amine行业释义网络释义 药学1.氯胺酮
-ketamine1 . 氯胺酮
1.本品为肝药酶诱导剂,提高药酶活性,长期用药不但加速自身代谢,还可加速其他药物代谢。如在应用氟烷、恩氟烷、甲氧氟烷等制剂麻醉之前有长期服用巴比妥类药物者,可增加麻醉剂的代谢产物,增加肝脏毒性的危险。巴比妥类与氯胺酮 (ketamine) 同时应用时,特别是大剂量静脉给药,增加血压降低、呼吸抑制的危险。
2 . 克他命
kaolin light 轻质高岭土ketamine克他命Ketamine HCL 克他命盐酸
相关词条+dose ketamine1 . 剂量氯胺酮
clinical application of small - dose ketamine ., 小剂量氯胺酮的临床应用.
+ketamine basal1 . 氯胺酮基础
Methods Procaine intravenous anesthesia administered after ketamine basal anesthesia , pentothal sodium induction and intubation ., 方法氯胺酮基础麻醉后 , 硫喷妥钠诱导经口气管插管静脉普鲁卡因复合全麻.
+ketamine on1 . 氯胺酮对
the preemptive analgesia of ketamine on hyperalgesia in rats induced by capsaicin ., 氯胺酮对辣椒素致敏大鼠的超前镇痛作用.
+ketamine hydrochloride1 . 腹腔镜
气管插管全麻与硬膜外复合静脉麻醉用于妇科腹腔镜手术的比较 - 高三十班生活组 - GAO310 高山石联谊厅 - Powered by Discuz! 关键词:妇科手术;腹腔镜;气管插管;硬膜外复合静脉麻醉 [gap=2256]Key words:Ketamine Hydrochloride;Midazdam;Pediatric;Intravenous Anesthesia
2 . 妇科手术
气管插管全麻与硬膜外复合静脉麻醉用于妇科腹腔镜手术的比较 - 高三十班生活组 - GAO310 高山石联谊厅 - Powered by Discuz! 关键词:妇科手术;腹腔镜;气管插管;硬膜外复合静脉麻醉 [gap=2256]Key words:Ketamine Hydrochloride;Midazdam;Pediatric;Intravenous Anesthesia