1 . He would acknowledge with perfect ingenuousness that his concession had been attended with such partial good.
英英释义网络释义noun1.the quality of innocent naivete
2.openly straightforward or frank
相关词条+ingenuity and1 . 才智和
they keep intact the heritage of ingenuity and enterprise and they help keep the " American Dream " within the reach of millions of Americans .他们保留的遗产的才智和企业,他们帮助维护的“美国梦”的覆盖范围内数以百万计的美国人。
+hypocritical ingenuous1 . 伪善的
ingenuous a坦率的hypocritical ingenuous伪善的ingenuous n天真的
+human ingenuity1 . 人类独创性
these are the victory to be won in the twentieth century , the portal to the golden age , mocks the pretensions of individuals , of human ingenuity .让我们告诉他们二十世纪将要取得的胜利,通往黄金时代的入口,对自我、对人类独创性的伪造都被挫败时的景象,
2 . 人类的智慧
betting against the net is foolish because you're betting against human ingenuity and creativity .因为,这与扼杀人类的智慧与创造力无异。
+and ingenuity1 . 与智慧
are incredible reunions in this book , achieved through impossible stamina and ingenuity .书中有着难以置信的团圆,而要促成它们的是难能可贵的毅力与智慧。