1 . Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication.
2 . The patient presented with ivory white scars, telangiectasis, hyperpigmentation and ulcerations on the both lower legs.
双小腿出现许多象牙白色萎缩性瘢痕, 伴毛细血管扩张 、 色素沉着、溃疡.
3 . Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of nicotinamide on hyperpigmentation induced by UVB.
4 . The optic nerve head looks white ( glial scar ) and is surrounded by hyperpigmentation .
视盘色苍白 ( 胶质瘢痕 ),色素环绕.
5 . Some patients with acne vulgaris, papular urticaria and lip hyperpigmentation also had positive patch test.
痤疮 、 丘疹性荨麻疹、唇部色素沉着亦有阳性结果.
行业释义网络释义 医学1.色素沉着,着色过度
-hyperpigmentation1 . 色素沉着过多
MeSH主题词芥子气(Mustard Gas) 色素沉着过多(Hyperpigmentation) 芥子(Sinapis) 芥子植物(Mustard Plant) 战争(War) 分类号 R12 R99 TU X.
2 . 色素沉着
...5渗出性红斑(erythema exudativum)26色素沉着(hyperpigmentation)27咖啡色斑(cafe macule)2.
3 . 色素过多
hyperphosphaturia 高磷酸盐尿症hyperpigmentation色素过多hyperpituitarism 垂体机能亢进症
4 . 色素增多
(26)色素增多:色素增多(hyperpigmentation)是指表皮基底及真皮上部黑素颗粒增多,见于riehl黑变病、黄褐斑等。 (27)色素减少:色素减少(hypopigmentaion)是指表皮基底.
相关词条+Bronze hyperpigmentation1 . 青铜色的色素
Bronze hyperpigmentation is seen in hemochromatosis and arsenic intoxication ., 青铜色的色素沉着见于血色素沉着症和砷中毒.
+postinflammatory hyperpigmentation1 . 色素沉著
发炎后色素沉著(postinflammatory hyperpigmentation):本病是一种继皮肤急、慢性炎症后出现的皮肤色素沈著。色素沈著在皮炎后较快发生,色素沈著斑为浅褐、紫褐到深褐不等。
2 . 色素沉淀
常见皮肤病息常见问答集美容资讯室网路资源区版工私房菜我要回首页常见皮肤病列表发炎后色素沉淀(PIH,postinflammatory hyperpigmentation) 作者:蔡呈芳医师阅览:724 发炎后色素沉淀发炎后色素沉淀是表皮基底层色素沉淀及
+periorbital hyperpigmentation1 . 眶周色素沉着
眶周色素沉着|用户关注度: 周0% 月0% 眶周色素沉着(periorbital hyperpigmentation)为病因不清的眶周的色素过度沉着性疾病。查看详细.
+zebra-like hyperpigmentation1 . 斑马状色素沉着
universal acquired melanosis 广泛性获得性黑变病zebra-like hyperpigmentation 斑马状色素沉着periorbital hyperpigmentation 眶周色素沉着