1 . Confusion of homonym is a long - term disturbing problem in current Chinese Braille.
同音词混淆是 长期 困扰现行盲文的问题.
2 . In the process of studying English, it is likely to confuse homograph, homonym, and homophone.
在英语学习过程中, 对同形异义词、同音同形异义词 、 同音异形异义词的运用很容易造成混淆.
3 . The nickname comes from the Chinese word for returnees, haiguipai, a homonym for sea turtles.
在中文里, 这类人被称为“海归派”.海龟即海归的谐音.
4 . Recitativo started work in the minor - type sound on the lead and is a homonym for.
作品一开始是宣叙调,在小调 式 的主音和属音上同音进行.
5 . Homonym is a word that is pronounced like another but which has a different meaning.
同义词 parallel 语源late 17th cent.: via Latin from Greek homōnumon, neuter of homōnumoshaving the same name, from homossame + onomaname行业释义网络释义 动物学1.[异物]同名
2. 異物同名
-homonym1 . 同音词
a survey on confusion of homonymin current chinese braille ., 现行盲文同音词混淆问题的调查.
2 . 异物同名
3 . 同音异义字
antonym n. 反义字,反义语,对语homonymn. 同音异义字,同名异物synonym n. 同义字
4 . 同音异义词
从英语的谜语看“homonym(同音异义词)”:英语中的许多“谜语(riddles)都必须借用“homonyms”;要记住这个词其实是有规律可循的:“homo-”是表示“相同的(the same.
相关词条+Perfect homonyms1 . 完全同音同形异义词
types of homonyms(同音异义或同形异意) 1)Perfect homonyms(完全同音同形异义词):It refers to the words indetical in sound and spelling but different in.
+homonymous hemianopsia1 . 同名半盲
homonym 同音异义字homonymous hemianopsia 同名半盲homophobia 同性恋恐怖症
2 . 同侧偏盲
前庭神经及前庭神经核前庭神经位于内耳道的远侧部,其远端由一个上支和一个下...一部完全损伤时,都可引起对侧视野全部消失,称同侧偏盲(homonymous hemianopsia).
+perfect homonym1 . 完全的同形异义词
一、完全的同形异义词(perfect homonym):指的是发音和拼写都相同,但意义不同的词,如:
+homonymous hemianopia1 . 对侧同向性偏盲
...偏盲见于视交叉中部病变,由于垂体瘤、颅咽管瘤等使视交叉中部受损,即损害了来自双眼鼻侧视网膜的纤维。2.对侧同向性偏盲(homonymous hemianopia)即双眼病变对侧视野的同向偏盲,