

分类: 英文单词 





过去式:held  过去式:held  过去式:holden  过去式:holding  过去式:holds  

1 . He struggled to hold the bike down on the banked corners.



2 . It is hard to get hold of guns in this country.



3 . They can't believe you can even hold a conversation.



4 . The country will hold democratic elections within a year.



5 . They're likely to hold big fire sales to liquidate their inventory.




hold back

1 . 保留,保持控制:在某人的占据或控制之下

hold down

2 . 限制

hold forth

3 . 滔滔不绝地说

hold off

4 . 远离;抵制

hold on

5 . 抓住…不放;依附

hold out

6 . 提供,提出:提供或显示可得到的东西

hold over

7 . 继续维持:处于与以前同样状态或情形

hold to

8 . 对…忠诚或忠实

hold up

9 . 阻挠或延迟

hold with

10 . 同意;支持

be left holding the baby (或美bag)

11 . (非正式)(尤指没有警告)被加一项责任

don't hold your breathhold someone/thing at bayhold one's breathhold someone/thing cheap

12 . (古)轻视,瞧不起

hold court

13 . (在一群崇拜者中)成为注意焦点

hold someone/thing dear

14 . 重视,珍视(人,物)

hold fast

15 . 紧闭

hold the field1. the door held fast, obviously locked.门关得紧紧的,显然锁上了。hold the fort

16 . (另一人暂时不在时)临时负责

hold good (或 true)

17 . 保持正确,有效

hold one's ground1. his views still hold true today.他的观点今天仍然正确。hold someone's hand

18 . 牵某人的手(困难时给人安慰、指引、精神上的支持)

hold hands

19 . 手牵手(多表示友爱)

hold hard

20 . (英)等一下,停住

hold someone/thing harmless

21 . (律)赔偿

hold one's horses

22 . (非正式)等一下

hold one's nose

23 . 捏紧鼻子(以免闻难闻的气味)

hold one's ownhold one's peacehold (one's) serve (或 service)

24 . (网球、羽毛球等)赢了发球局

hold the stagehold thumbs

25 . (南非)握紧大拇指(以带来好运)

hold someone to bail

26 . (律)拘留某人直至交保

hold one's tongue

27 . (非正式)保持沉默

hold someone/thing to ransomhold up one's head (或 hold one's head high)take hold

28 . 开始起作用

there is no holding someone

29 . (用于表达某人已下定决心做某事)没有人能阻止(人)

hold something against

30 . 因(过去的行为或情况的影响)而对(人)产生消极的看法

hold someone/thing back

31 . 阻碍,阻止,抑制

hold something down

32 . (非正式)保住(工作,职位)

hold someone/thing off

33 . 抵抗(攻击者,挑战)

hold on to

34 . 留住;保存

hold out for

35 . 坚持要求(拒绝接受所给予的)

hold out on

36 . (非正式)拒绝给(尤指信息)

hold something out

37 . 给予机会(或希望)

hold something over

38 . 推迟,拖延

hold together (或 hold something together)

39 . (使)保持团结

hold someone/thing up

40 . 耽搁,拖延;妨碍,阻碍


get hold of

1 . 拥有;找到

hold a candle to

2 . 与…相比较好

hold (one's) own

3 . 坚持住,不退让:无视批评和困难做得很好

hold out on (someone)

4 . 隐藏

hold (someone's) feet to the fire

5 . 强迫(某人)同意或做某事

hold sway

6 . 有控制性影响;统治

hold the bag【非正式用语】

7 . 一无所得:离开时两手空空

hold the fort【非正式用语】

8 . 尤指在他人缺席时承担责任

hold the line

9 . 维持现状:维持事务现有的位置或状态

hold the phone【俚语】

10 . 停止正在做的事。常用于祈使句

hold water

11 . 经受严厉考验

no holds barred

12 . 没有限制或压制

on hold

13 . 中断:打电话时短暂打断但仍接通的状态

同义词vt.1.占据;维持”释义下的同义词 occupy have maintain 2.握着;抓住”释义下的同义词 clutch to grip retain keep cling grasp 3.支承;容纳”释义下的同义词 bear support carry contain 4.认为;持有”释义下的同义词 suppose presume consider think regard assume surmise 反义词vt.1.抓住;托住;握着”释义下的同义词 drop 语源Old English haldan, healdan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch houdenand German halten; the noun is partly from Old Norse haldhold, support, custodylate 16th cent.: from obsolete holl, from Old English hol(see hole). The addition of -dwas due to association with hold英英释义行业释义网络释义常用俚语 noun

1.the act of grasping;

he released his clasp on my arm

2.understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something;

he has a good grasp of accounting practices

3.power by which something or someone is affected or dominated;

he has a hold over them

4.time during which some action is awaited;

instant replay caused too long a delay

5.a state of being confined (usually for a short time);

his detention was politically motivated

6.a stronghold

7.a cell in a jail or prison

8.the appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it;

he grabbed the hammer by the handle

9.the space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo


1.organize or be responsible for;

hold a reception

2.keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g., "keep clean";

hold in place

3.have or hold in one's hands or grip;

Hold this bowl for a moment, please

4.to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;

This holds the local until the express passengers change trains

5.have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices;

She bears the title of Duchess

6.have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense;

She has $1,000 in the bank

7.keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view;

take for granted

8.contain or hold; have within;

The jar carries wine

9.lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits;

moderate your alcohol intake

10. remain in a certain state, position, or condition;

The weather held

11. maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings);

bear a grudge

12. assert or affirm;

Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good

13. remain committed to;

I hold to these ideas

14. secure and keep for possible future use or application;

The landlord retained the security deposit

15. be the physical support of; carry the weight of;

The beam holds up the roof

16. hold the attention of;

The soprano held the audience

17. keep from exhaling or expelling;

hold your breath

18. support or hold in a certain manner;

She holds her head high

19. have room for; hold without crowding;

This hotel can accommodate 250 guests

20. be capable of holding or containing;

This box won't take all the items

21. be valid, applicable, or true;

This theory still holds

22. take and maintain control over, often by violent means;

The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week

23. protect against a challenge or attack;

Hold that position behind the trees!

24. declare to be;

She was declared incompetent

25. have as a major characteristic;

The novel holds many surprises

26. cause to stop;

Halt the engines

27. bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted;

He's held by a contract

28. cover as for protection against noise or smell;

She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate

29. drink alcohol without showing ill effects;

He can hold his liquor

30. be pertinent or relevant or applicable;

The same laws apply to you!

31. arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance;

reserve me a seat on a flight

32. resist or confront with resistance;

The politician defied public opinion

33. keep from departing;

Hold the taxi

34. stop dealing with;

hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting

35. aim, point, or direct;

Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames

36. be in accord; be in agreement;

We agreed on the terms of the settlement



2. 支撑点





2. 约束



2. hold-off interval





2. 最下层的舱。


1 . 举行

...坚持下去,继续(不断) // carry forward 推进 // carry out 实行,执行holdvt. 拿,握住;举行,进行holdon (口语)等一等,(打电话时)不挂断 // hold.

2 . 保持

... . . .据才能被打入触发器2setup time的意义触发器工作过程中要满足数据建立(setup)/保持(hold)的时间要求,输入信号在时钟的上升沿前后是不允许发生变化的对于使用上升沿触发的触发器来说,建立时间.

3 . 持有

... . . .才能迅速因应变局。因此,投资据点遍布全球重要金融市场的国际性投资集团才能有效掌握全球金融情势的脉动。马克·墨比尔斯法则十三:如果全世界的股市皆因为一个国家的短期因素而出现剧烈下跌,投资建议立刻从持有(hold)改为买进(buy)。1998年初的巴西里拉危机等于是为投资人开启的一扇投资的大门,亚洲金融风暴使市场如同惊弓之鸟,轻易地.

4 . 握住

have(有) had had hear(听见) heard heardhold(握住) held held keep(保持) kept keptlay(放下) laid laid lead(领导) led led.

相关词条+hold out

1 . 支持

...He gave them to me to hold on to them 他给我戒指,要我自己保管hold out 坚持到胜利,支持,维持,伸出hold to 坚持某个看法(路线),紧紧地抓住 OK, hold to the right. 好.

+holding company

1 . 控股公司

...“帐目”(accounts) 指以书写、印刷或藉任何机器或装置备存的任何帐目;“控股公司”(holding company) 及“附属公司”(subsidiary) 的涵义,与《公司条例》(第32章)中该等词语的涵义相同;“控权人”(controller) 就任何公司而言─.

+hold me hold

1 . 抱著

i love you hold me hold me ., 我喜欢你抱著我.

+holdings and virtual holdings

1 . 馆藏与虚拟馆藏

the integration of the real holdings and virtual holdings of university library ., 高校图书馆现实馆藏与虚拟馆藏的整合.

1.The cake from the bakery is not able to hold a candle to the one that Grandmonther made.


