市场可是商务的重中之重。那么,你会描述市场行情吗?市况上扬:The market advances/ gains /rises/ improves / picks up.The market is strong / firm/ exciting / advancing / healthy.市况活跃:...
1) 请对方来发表一个speech,这封信是要感谢对方,同时确认对方对技术设备的具体要求。 Dear Sir/Madam,I'm delighted you have accepted our invitation to speak at the conference in [city] o...
公司事务永远都是那么多,午餐也经常是工作午餐,而且,你的英语够不够好,经常是在这种场合露出来的,所以,来仔细看看!I'd like to introduce you to the new members of the project group. Would you mind us havi...
Are you a hard bargainer? Do you often win when you bargain? Winning and being tough are two traditional approaches to negotiating. These approaches d...
It is important to use the right "title" when addressing someone in writing, especially if it is the first contact that you have with this p...
A surprising amount of one's time as a student and professional is spent reporting the results of one's research projects for presentation to ...
英语是国际商业交流的通用语言,但你是否知道如何让你的书面英语给别人留下深刻的印象呢?一封出色的英文商业书信将可能影响一笔生意的成功与否,所以赶快阅读以下相关内容,成为一名写作高手!English is the language of international business communicat...
在竞争激烈的商界里,你需要占据每一个可能的优势。标准的英文会将你带至竞争的前头。你觉得很难达成吗?一点也不会!看一看我们列出你的竞争者犯的商务英语错误然后迅速跟进:In the competitive world of business, you need every advantage you c...
写简历的时候要注意表现自己的一些能力,尤其要突出与所应聘的工作相关的一些能力以及适应能力。下面是简历中常常要突出的三种能力: Job-related(相关的工作能力): These are relevant to a specific job. For example, an accountant&...
专业 首先你的外表看上去是很专业的,如果你打扮得很得体,你会让别人很严肃的看待你。另外,身体语言也是很重要的,紧记要用双眼注视对方,并且保持良好姿势,否则你看上去似乎是缺乏自信心的。Be professional Looking businesslike is the first step to a...