海运提单(Ocean Bill of Lading),是承运人收到货物后出具的货物收据,也是承运人所签署的运输契约的证明,提单还代表所载货物的所有权,是一种具有物权特性的凭证。海运提单可以从不同角度分类。根据货物是否装船,可分为已装船提单”(Shipped B/L)和备运提单&rdquo...
出口许可证是指出口国政府签发批准商品出口的证明文件。它的作用有:1.国家根据国别政策和国际市场的变化调节商品出口;2.避免本国出口商品在国际市场上的盲目竞争,控制管理出口商品的数量与价格;3.海关查验放行和银行汇结的主要依据。出口许可证样本如下:1.申领许可证单位 编码Exporter3.出口许可证...
如何写说服客户改变主意的信件?按照下面的步骤,您就可以轻松搞定。Difficult Letter #1: Persuading a CustomerTHE SITUATIONAn HSBC customer in Thailand has decided to purchase a new car....
Welcome to Chapter 7.In Chapter 6, you learned how to write courteous letters. You practised achieving a courteous tone by writing sentences that were...
SummaryIn this chapter, you learned how to revise your sentences to make them courteous.To make your sentences courteous, you need to belpolite(by usi...
今天我们来学习礼貌守则的最后一个P——professional。Being Courteous: How To Be ProfessionalSo far, you've learned three ways to make your writing more cou...
在前两节中,我们学习了How To Be Polite和How To Be Positive,今天我们来学习How To Be Personal,这会让你的商务信函看起来更有亲和力,更容易被人接受。Being Courteous: How To Be PersonalYou have learned...
我们学习过了第一个P——polite,这次来继续学习第二个P——positive。Being Courteous: How To Be PositiveTo write courteous sentences, you need to be polit...
Being Courteous: How To Be PoliteTo write courteous sentences, you need to use the first "P" - be polite.Imagine that you have received the ...