拒绝订货有很多种原因。现在我们就来看看各种拒绝原因的表达方法。1. Unfortunately, the goods you requested cannot be supplied from stock due to heavy commitments.很遗憾,由于订单堆积,您要的货物无现货可供。...
1、图表写作图表写作的关键是要记住一些常用的词,因为图表无怪乎曲线图和柱状图,别的图表大都可以以此类推。这些词整理一下包括: increase decrease,rise drop,grow fall,shoot up(非常得快) decline,reach a peak,reach a numbe...
商业计划书的编制一、计划要点: (一)单位名称、地址、邮编、电话、传真。 (二)主要人员的名称、地址、电话、背景资料。 (三)单位的主要业务。 (四)研究和开发情况。 (五)市场情况。 (六)发展战略。 (七)资金需求及使用计划。 (八)近三年的财务状况(包括资产负债表及利润表)二、计划详述: (一...
Directions:A ship accident took place in Chang Jiang.Please unite a research report to tell: 1)the cause of the accident 2)the results 3)the response ...
2004-2005 Annual Report on China’s Bedding Market [Key Words] China’s Bedding Market Title:2004-2005 Annual Report on China’s Beddin...
Title:2004-2005 Annual Report on China’s Wool Textile Market [Key Words] China’s Wool Textile Market Report Summary The report sums up the...
1. 文体介绍促销信是宣传产品或服务,以引起人们的注意,激发人们的兴趣,增强人们的欲望,进而促使人们做出购买行为的有力工具。从某种意义讲,促销信是一种广告,但他比一般广告更具有针对性,因为促销信的读者是与所宣传的商品或服务有紧密关系的人, 而不是一般广告的公众。促销信可以写给自己的客户, 也可以写给...
[Directions]:You are preparing for a field report,please write it in about 100words with such items as following: ①the current situation of the equipm...
Ladies and gentlemen, it is a great pleasure to have you all to this party to celebrate the inauguration of our new company president, Mr. Cheng-En Li...
2、建立办事处 Establishment of new branch Dear Mr/Ms, Owing to the large increase in the volume of our tradewith this country we have decided to open a bran...