Herbert Import & Export Telephone:(212)2215608 388 Station Street Fax: (212)2215706New York ,10018 U.S.A.FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION To: Johnson Company Da...
国际贸易的价格表示方法,除了具体金额外,还要包括贸易术语,交货地点及所使用的货币。 如:USD150 FOB Hongkong, STG2000 CIF Liverpool,其中USD指的是以美金作价,而STG为英镑;Hongkong香港和Liverpool利物浦为交货地点;FOB与CIF 则为两个...
商品品质决定交易本质上的价值,因此它是最重要的交易因素之一。 贸易上的品质决定方法有:凭样品买卖,凭标准买卖,凭规格买卖等。下面我们来看看品质的表达发。 [品质优良]:quality is excellent/ superior/ very good/ fine/ best/ high/ wonde...
1. We'd like to order your products. We'll send our official order today. 我们想订你们的货,今天会寄上正式的订单。 2. Did you get our order for your telephones? 你...
1.Excuse me. Are you Susan Davis from Western Electronics? 对不起,你是来自西方电子公司的苏姗。戴卫斯吗? 2.Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Takeshita.是的,我就是,你一定是竹下先生吧。 3.Pard...
1 I've come to make sure that your stay in Beijing is a pleasant one.我特地为你们安排使你们在北京的逗留愉快。2 You're going out of your way for us,I believe.我相信这是...
A thousand times no! 绝对办不到 Dont mention it.没关系,别客气。 Who knows! 天晓得 It is not a big deal!没什么了不起 How come...怎么回事,怎么搞得 Easy does it.慢慢来 Dont push me.别逼我 ...
(A) A.A.R = against all risks 担保全险,一切险 A.B.No. = Accepted Bill Number 进口到单编号 A/C = Account 账号 AC. = Acceptance 承兑 acc = acceptance,accepted 承兑,承诺 a/c....
笔者在商务英语教学中发现,外贸英语中有一些使用十分频繁的词汇很容易被误译,原因是商务英语中相同的单词在不同情况下具有不同的含义。现将这些单词的不同用法和含义试加比较说明。 例一:floating It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a ret...
We're willing to make you a firm offer at this price.我们愿意以此价格为你报实盘。We can offer you a quotation based upon the international market.我们可以按国际市场价格给您报...