DearAs a valued customer of [name of company], we couldn't wait to bring you the good news. This letter is to announce the incorporation of our ne...
Gentlemen:It is our pleasure to inform you that the [name of new business] is now open for business.Our firm is located at [location] and we specializ...
COME CELEBRATE WITH US!We are previewing our NEW PRODUCT LINE on Thursday, June 17, 1986. We will be waiting for you at HAL'S STEAKHOUSE, at 1324 ...
DearAfter checking with all of our other stores in the area,I regret to inform you that I have been unable to locate another [item requested] for you....
Dear[name of firm or institution] wants you to have a wonderful holiday season. We know that this is often a difficult period for many of our customer...
DearThe fact that you will be leaving our firm shortly has been brought to my attention. We are very sorry to lose you inasmuch as your work has alway...
DearEveryone here at [name of firm] was saddened to learn of [name of employee] sudden illness.We know that this came on without any warning and while...
DearIn the past twelve months you have purchased a considerable amount of merchandise from us, which pleases us greatly.Since you have never taken adv...
DearHaving had the pleasure of mailing you [name of magazine] every month for the past three years, we were wondering if perhaps you haven't reali...
TO: All employeesFROM: ManagementLord & Chambers has offered our employees a 15% disount on all merchandise purchased during the Christmas season ...