全球股市昨天全线大跌,原因在于投资者对经济前景和金融市场动荡的担心迅速演变为全面的恐慌性抛售行为。Global equities were routed yesterday as concerns over the economic outlook and financial market turb...
亲爱的经济学家,Dear Economist, 我与另一位母亲一起,给我5岁的孩子合办了一个生日聚会。我出了200英镑,但我收到了至少300英镑的礼物,我因此感到很内疚。作为一名客人,我不喜欢这些聚会,因为办聚会的人只出了一份食物,却收两份礼物。但合办聚会确实是一种理性的做法,因为你掏一半的钱,却收...
中国已成为全球头号黄金生产国,从而终结了南非在金矿开采行业长达一个多世纪的主导地位。China has ended more than a century of South African dominance of the gold mining industry to become the wor...
亚太地区股市昨日面临新一轮抛售,因投资者持续担忧美国经济将步入衰退。Stock markets across the Asia-Pacific region were buffeted by a fresh wave of selling yesterday amid persistent fear...
昨日最新数据显示,美国上月零售有所下降,处于困境的美国消费者开始紧缩支出的证据进一步增强。Evidence that the embattled US consumer is starting to pull back on spending mounted yesterday after new ...
亚洲开发银行(ADB)行长黑田东彦(Haruhiko Kuroda)昨日表示,由于美国经济放缓和油价上涨,今年亚洲发展中经济体的增长可能放缓。Growth in Asia’s developing economies is likely to slacken this year beca...
由于英镑贬值,英国经济规模自1999年以来首次滑落至法国之下。The size of the British economy has slipped below that of France for the first time since 1999 thanks to the slide in t...
美联储(Fed)主席本?伯南克(Ben Bernanke)的措辞出现明显变化,他昨日表示,美联储准备大力降息,以避免美国经济出现衰退的风险。In a dramatic change of tone, Ben Bernanke yesterday indicated that the Federal ...
从表面上看,中国东航(China Eastern Airlines)股东周二否决新加坡航空(Singapore Airlines)收购东航24%股权的报价,似乎标志着中国企业文化的一个转折点,以及市场力量的胜利。On the surface, Tuesday’s rejection of...
联合国(UN)初步数据显示,去年全球外国直接投资(FDI)猛增至创纪录的1.5万亿美元,超过此前于2000年创下的1.4万亿美元峰值水平。Worldwide foreign direct investment surged to a record $1,500bn last year, surpas...