爱思英语编者按:经过层层闯关,终于进了心仪已久的单位。如何得到老板的青睐,如何快速地和团队融为一体,很多职场新人由于经验不足,表现出无所适从。身处职场,不少人都免不了“酒精”测试。涉世未深的职场新人们该如何勇闯“酒场”,才能既体面地力行酒桌规矩又能游刃有余地不伤身体?Q. You are new t...
ReportsResource Planning Manager: Assessment of Suitability for Home-based WorkingIntroductionThe purpose of this report is to assess the suitability ...
Mature,dynamic and honest. 思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。Excellent ability of systematical management. 有极强的系统管理能力。Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu...
贸易机构词汇WTO (World Trade Organization) 世界贸易组织IMF (International Monetary Fund) 国际货币基金组织CTG (Council for Trade in Goods) 货币贸易理事会EFTA (European Free Trade...
价格术语world / international market price 国际市场价格FOB (free on board) 离岸价C&F (cost and freight) 成本加运费价CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 到岸价freight 运费wh...
Business English - Dressing for Success at an Interview商务英语-面试成功的着装Michael: Hi, Billy. You're a little tardy to work this morning.Billy: I know. I...
1.总结会议结果用语The opinions presented so far may be summarized as follows:... 更多信息请访问:http://www.engbus.cn/目前为止,意见小结如下:In conclusion, ladies and gentlem...
Useful Tips for Good Manners at Meetings and Social Events聚会以及社交活动良好礼节的有用小贴士24EN Editor's Note:Appropriate business etiquetteis expected of everyo...
兹证明***(姓名)女士自***(时间)起一直在***(公司)工作。她在公司担任***(职位),全年收入约***RMB。This is to certify that Ms. *** (name), has been working in*** (company) since *** (year),...
24EN 编者按:你对商务礼仪了解多少?在国内做生意,本国的礼数大家一般都不会错;可是和老外做生意,我们就得多了解了解西方的商务礼仪了。下文将为您详细解释。In the Home1) The Right Time to ArriveWhen invited to luncheon, dinner, ...