4. 表示赞赏表示赞赏英文邮件范文1Dear Lynne,There is no exaggeration to describe your performance in the school play to be animated. I used to think Shakespeare'...
3. 表示高兴表示高兴英文邮件范文1Hi Wendy,I'm so excited to hear you'll be moving back to Shanghai next month! Do you have a sense of loss, because you have ...
2. 表示好奇表示好奇英文邮件范文1Hi Kara,Do you know that shocking matter happened in our campus? Our alumni commit suicide from the top of teaching building last ni...
Unit 9 感情互动篇1. 表示惊讶表示惊讶英文邮件范文1Hi Bryce,I can't believe you're taking sailing lessons! You are leaving me an impression that you were the adven...
爱思英语编者按:BEC商务英语,商务英语考试中的No.1,含金量已经无需多言。但是,无论是还在犹豫是否要参加BEC考试的,还是已经通过BEC考试的,都在疑惑到底学了BEC有什么用呢?本节目通过核心学习、词汇、课文、对话等四方面内容让BEC活学活用起来。Ⅰ.核心学习:Office Ergonomics...
Ⅰ.核心学习:Claiming Compensation 申请补偿Michael: The Human Resources officer was looking for you this morning.迈克尔:今天早上人力资源部的官员在找你。Billy: Thanks, Michael. I j...
10 祝福乔迁之喜祝福乔迁之喜英文邮件范文1Dear Mr. Blake,Thank you for informing us your new house address. It is fantastic that you have a house of your own at last,whic...
祝福新作面世祝福新作面世英文邮件范文1Dear Lili,Our warmest congratulations on your newly-published detective book at about world mystery cases. I have read them with th...
爱思英语编者按:学会用正确的态度和正确的方式对待工作,会让你的效率提升一个层次,最终,成功将是唾手可得的事情。If you work with the right attitude and right way, you’ll have your productivity up anoth...
爱思英语编者按:你坐在老板面前,告诉他另外有家公司聘请了你,你将在几周内离开本公司。这可能是场令人尴尬的谈话,当老板请求你留下时会变得更加尴尬。You sit down with your boss to tell her you’ve been offered a job elsewh...