15. 付款确认通知付款确认通知英文邮件范文1Dear Joyce,On March 25, 2011, the amount of ¥100,000,000 as payment for your invoice No.1234567 was transferred into your accou...
爱思英语编者按:做错事就要道歉。伟大如苹果前CEO史蒂夫•乔布斯也概莫能外。《财富》为你逐一盘点近些年那些颇为经典的CEO道歉案例。有些起到了很好的效果,有些道歉则公众完全不买账。这里面有什么学问?不久前,美式连锁餐厅奶昔小屋(Shake Shack)因去掉了炸薯条的波纹向消费者道歉。然后...
14. 商品缺货通知商品缺货通知英文邮件范文1Dear subscribers,Because of expanding sales, we feel very sorry for having to inform you that Alice in Wonderland has all been ...
13. 商品订购通知商品订购通知英文邮件范文1Dear distinguished members,We are happy to inform you that you could order any commodities that you want as before. What you ne...
12. 商品出货通知商品出货通知英文邮件范文1Dear Mr. Frank,We hereby notify that we have shipped your order NO.2011 of March 1, 2011. And please check the relevant shippin...
11. 节假日通知节假日通知英文邮件范文1Dear staff,To express our gratitude for your excellent work this month and enable everyone to spend the Mid-autumn Festival with ...
10. 人员变动通知人员变动通知英文邮件范文1Dear staff,This is to notify the appointment of Mr. Tom Smith as the director of Advertising Department of ABC Company. Mr. Smi...
9. 求职录用通知求职录用通知英文邮件范文1Dear×××,You have been selected as a secretary to Mr. Li, director of the Marketing Department. We would like y...
8. 公司裁员通知公司裁员通知英文邮件范文1Dear Peter,We had been trying our every effort to keep all of our employees during this hard period of reorganization.Unfortunat...
5. 公司停业通知公司停业通知英文邮件范文1Dear×××,With the demolition of our premises at the above address under a development scheme, the part of our b...