话说,现在接近春节了,又到了一年工作请假的高峰期了。今天,我们就顺便来看下,英文中“请假”的各种说法,以及一些周边小常识。说到假期的英文,很多人第一反应是 holiday,但其实,英文中,假期的说法有好几个,而且内涵差很多。今天一起来学习下吧。holiday, vacation, days off,...
{ 今日知识点 }SME到底是什么?商业新闻中,常常会出现SME这样的字眼,比如:How SMEs can reduce the cost of business travel那么,你知道商业上,SME到底是什么意思呢?SME的全称是Small and medium enterprises,意思是中...
{ 今日知识点 }神秘的SOE是什么?在外媒的商业报道中,我们常常看到SOE这样的字眼,比如:China says debt risks at central SOEs under control那么,你知道 SOE 到底是什么意思呢?SOE的全称是state-owned enterprises,指...
Changing careers is never easy—but it is absolutely possible. Just because you’re on a dedicated career path doesn’t mean you have to stay on it forev...
In an ideal world, you’d get offered the salary you want right off the bat. But if you’ve been working or job hunting for a while, you probably know t...
1. How would you describe yourself?1.你如何描述自己?I consider myself hardworking / reliable / dependable / helpful / outgoing / organised / honest/ cooperat...
Companies typically compensate their sales force by using some combination of salary, commission, and bonuses, but executives are often unsure of whic...
When you are selecting a career there's a lot riding on your decision. You want to pick an occupation in which you can be successful for many year...