1. If you would like to know more about my ability, I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.倘若阁下愿意接见本人以了解我的能力,我将随时侯教。2. If y...
如果你想彻底摧毁一个人,想给他最严厉的惩罚只需要让他做毫无用处和毫无意义的工作。”──费奥多尔•陀思妥耶夫斯基'If one wanted to crush and destroy a man entirely, to mete out to him the most ...
爱思英语编者按:对于找工作的人,特别是初入职场的新人来说,拥有一个清醒的头脑是无比重要的。找工作不能盲目,事先要将自己想要的弄清楚。找工作前请先问自己5个问题。5 Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before Choosing a CareerYou can do a...
In a typical week I spend on average 10% of my time screening resumes, interviewing or reviewing interview notes and offers for candidates we want to ...
爱思英语编者按:你对自己的描述,在网站、自我推销资料或社交媒体上,是否跟当面聊天的完全不同?你是不是也一直在用那些陈词滥调?那些话已经让招聘者厌烦了,所以你应该避免使用。下面来看看那些最常见的陈词滥调。Picture this. You meet someone new. "What do...
第一印象非常重要,所以假如你天性内向害羞,你必须打破桎梏,那样才能给别人留下深刻的印象。First impressions are everything, so if you're shy by nature, you need to break out of your shell if y...
With unemployment hovering near eight percent, even landing a job interview can be difficult these days. So once you do, you want to make the most of ...
爱思英语编者按:你以为面试是得到工作的最后一步那就错了?为何你面试顺利却迟迟没有入职通知?发一封面试询问邮件吧。这样可能让你更有机会获得这个工作。What are the Best Interview Follow-up Emails?Most people believe that the job...
首先我们来看看最受欢迎的行政管理方向的简历。下面这份行政助理人员的应聘者在简历中描述了自己的实际执行操作能力和处理人际关系的沟通能力,同时列出了自己的工作经验(由于篇幅有限,工作经验部分只是列举几条),同时该应聘者还有教学和社区服务经验,在简历的最后,还提到了自己的教育背景。BUSINESS SKI...
个人资料name 姓名alias 别名pen name 笔名date of birth 出生日期birth date 出生日期born 出生于birth place 出生地点age 年龄native place 籍贯province 省city 市autonomous region 自治区prefe...