法律英语口语900句:医疗保健(双语)医疗保健 Medical care1.A surgery conformed to standard practice is not medical malpractice.遵守标准惯例的手术不能算作医疗事故。2.Thought it is not malpra...
法律英语口语900句:遗嘱和继承遗嘱和继承 Will & Succession 1.A will needs the signature of the testator and two witnesses.一份遗嘱需要立遗嘱人和两个证人签字。2.He bequeathed his share...
法律英语口语900句:原告和被告(双语)原告和被告 Plaintiff & defendant1.The accused admitted six other offences.被告承认其他六种犯罪行为。2.The accused had no criminal record.被告没有前科。...
法律英语口语900句:责任(双语)责任 Duty1.A duty is an obligation of law imposed on a person to perform or refrain from performing a certain act.责任是法律所规定的一个人为或不为之义务。2...
法律英语口语900句 :赠与(双语)赠与 Gift1.A donation of $1 million has been presented to the sufferers by a wealthy lady.一个有钱的太太向受难者捐赠了一百万美元。2.A gift is a present tr...
法律英语口语900句:债务(双语)债务 Debt 1.A debtor is a person or an entity that is the subject of a bankruptcy action.破产债务人是指作为破产诉讼主体的个人或实体。2.He is primarily liable...
法律英语口语900句:招投标(双语)招投标 Bidding 1.A contractor bidding for a construction is required to prepare many bid documents.参与建筑工程投标的承包商要准备许多投标文件。2.All bids are...
法律英语口语900句:证据(双语)证据 Evidence 1.A confession made in court is of greater importance than all proof.庭上招认,远胜诸证。2.All the evidence points to arson.所有证据表明是...
法律英语口语900句:证券(双语)证券 Securities 1.A security involues some form of investment contract.证券涉及某种形式的投资合同。2.A security is the evidence of indebtedness or ce...
法律英语口语900句:知识产权(双语)知识产权 Intellectual property 1.A patent is a governmental grant of an exclusive monopoly as an incentive and a reward for a new inven...