民事权利与责任 civil right and liability民事权利 civil right人身权利 jura personarum; rights of the person人格权 right of personality上诉权 right of appeal不受时效限制权 imprescr...
(当事方为进行仲裁或接受国际法院的管辖权而签订的)协定 compromis: a special agreement beteen States to submit a particular issue either to an arbitral tribunal or to the Interna...
民事责任 civil liability不履行法律责任 omission共同连带责任 joint and separate responsibility完全责任 full liability侵权责任 liability for tort连带责任 joint liability财产责任 propert...
Ab initio 从开始形容事件由开始时的状态,例如合约从开始便已经无效,称为"The contract as void ab initio".Accused 被告。 Accused通常指刑事案件的被告,民事诉讼的被告称为Defendant;而申索案件中的被索偿的一方称为Res...
Cause of Action 诉讼理由。提出诉讼,必须要有合理的事实根据,缺乏合理的诉讼理由,对方不但可以向法庭请求剔除有关的诉讼,同时可以要求赔偿浪费了的律师费及其它费用。Caution 警诫词。执法人员(警察及海关人员等)在拘捕疑犯时,提醒疑犯保持缄默的权利的警告说话。执法人员在没有给予疑犯警...
Garnishee 第三债务。是法定债务人的债权,例如在银行中的存款,出租楼宇所得的租金等。如果败诉的一方,并没有依照法庭判令对另一方作出赔偿,胜诉一方便可以向败诉方的第三债务发出扣记令,要求从该第三债务中取得获判的赔偿。Guarantee 保证。 保证人(Guarantor)承诺当某人不作出某指定...
A prosecutor said Friday he will seek the death penalty against an 18-year-old accused of killing the parents of his 14-year-old girlfriend, and no cr...
China's Ministry of Public Security released details of 10 major piracy cases involving infringement of foreign intellectual property rights (IPR)...
Senior officials from the government's top pricing and tax decision-making group yesterday said China has come up with a pricing system for electr...