谈到out of pocket,大家可能都知道它有“赔钱、白白损失“(having suffered a financial loss)的意思。如果用连字符将out of pocket这三个单词连起来,它就变成了一个形容词out-of-pocket,这个单词最基本的意思就是“没钱了“(having ...
英汉法律词典上的解释是这样的:间接来源规则,附加来源规则。指如果受伤害人接受为其伤害补偿的来源是与侵权人无关,则损害赔偿的补偿不得因此而减少,且侵权人必须支付的规则。What is the collateral source rule?The collateral source rule is a ...
英文解释:n. assuming the legal rights of a person for whom expenses or a debt has been paid. Typically, subrogation occurs when an insurance company which...
blue laws 蓝色法规原来是美国殖民时期的清教徒所订的法律,禁止在星期天跳舞、喝酒等,以后转用为有关个人行为的严格规定,如禁止公务员涉足酒家、舞厅、夜总会、或不该接受款宴等等:来源:A blue law, thus called because it was supposedly writt...
Accusation n.控告,起诉,告发;谴责中英文对照注解:1) in legal terms accusation means officially charging someone with acrime either by indictment by a Grand Jury or fil...
respondeat superior这个词也是律师在法庭上经常说的,意思是雇主责任原则(the doctrine of respondeat superior),即雇主应对他们雇员的侵权行为负责。为了促进他们的工作,即使他在雇佣、训练、监督或不解雇等方面都没有过失,雇主仍对此负有责任。respon...
Ad hoc 特别,特定; 由于,考虑到;临时中英文对照注解:Latin: for this purpose; for a specific purpose. An ad hoc committee, for example, is created with a unique and specifi...
A legal principle that an agent is deemed to have whatever power or authority a person would reasonably infer, either from the principal's (employ...
No cure no pay 英文译为无效果,无报酬”。无效果,无报酬”是国际海事法典中被经常提及的一个原则,它主要在海难救助领域中发挥着重要的作用。众所周知,海运是一项相当复杂危险的事业,船舶经常在海上遭遇种种危险,需要其它船舶实施救助。尽管救助是一项善良的义举,然而实施...
英美法律对有清偿能力债务人的抵销可分为三种:法律上的抵销(Set-off at Law)、衡平抵销(Equitable set-off)和银行合并帐户抵销。其中的衡平抵销扩大了法规所规定的抵销权的范围,这种扩大主要体现在以下两个方面:第一,衡平抵销允许请求损害赔偿的抵销。例如,A因未付合同货款被诉,...