
奥运情景对话:买药 buy medicine

分类: 体育英语 


T=Ted J=Jim

T: Good morning, sir.

T: 先生,上午好。

J: Can I help you?

J: 能为你效劳吗?

T: I've got a stroke. I want to buy something called Medicream. I've been to many drugstores, but none of them had it.

T: 我得了中风,我想买一种叫Medicream的药,我去过很多的药店,它们都没有。

J: Let me try.

J: 让我找找。



J: Oh, it's here.

J: 哦,找到了,它在这儿。

T: How many pills does the tin contain?

T: 这个药罐有多少药片?

J: Twenty.

J: 20 片。

T: How should I take it?

T: 我应该怎样该服用?

J: Take three tables each time every six to eight hours.

J: 6到8小时服用一次,一次服3粒。

T: How much is it?

T: 多少钱?

J: Ten dollars?

J: 10美元。

T: Does it have any side effects?

T: 它有副作用吗?

J: No. It's quite safe.

J: 没有,非常安全。

T: Thank you very much, I'll take it.

T: 非常感谢,我买了。

J: My pleasure.

J: 不客气。

