
Tailwind: 顺风

分类: 体育英语 

6月14日,在希腊雅典举行的国际田联超级大奖赛男子百米决赛中,22岁的牙买加小将阿萨法·鲍威尔表现出色,以9秒77打破了男子100米短跑的世界纪录。外电报道如下:Asafa Powell set a world record in the men's 100 metres Tuesday, registering 9.77 seconds at the Tsiklitiria Super Grand Prix meeting.

The Jamaican, who finished fifth in 9.94 at the 2004 Athens Games on the same track, shaved one hundredth of a second off Tim Montgomery's record of 9.78 set in Paris in 2002. Montgomery's record already was at risk because he faces doping charges. The previous record was 9.79 set by Maurice Greene on the Athens track in 1999.

Powell, 22, already had the world's fastest time this year, a run of 9.84 seconds at the Jamaica International Invitational on May 8. He also ran a 9.85 on June 9 in the Czech Republic. His run Tuesday came with a tailwind of 1.6 metres per second, well below the legal limit of 2.0.



