

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-07 08:16:45 




一、 亚太经济合作组织ABC

1. 什么是APEC?

根据英文直译,APEC意为Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation(亚太经济合作)。可要是我们这样称呼她,总觉得有些便扭。那么该怎样称呼她呢?是叫亚太经合组织、亚太经合会、还是叫论坛?国内最开始时,对APEC的称呼是有些混乱的。但到了92年,考虑到APEC设立了秘书处,开始了某种机制化的进程,我国外交部经商国内主要协作部门后,将APEC定名为"亚太经济合作组织"。

但APEC秘书处出版的"APEC Brochure 2001",首段就将APEC定位为区域论坛。另外,中国前任APEC高官王隅生(音同)在其所著《一个中国高官的体察》一书中称,"严格说来,根据APEC成立时的宗旨和性质,它只是一个具有实质内容的官方论坛,而不是具有约束性的组?quot;。

2. APEC的目标

Blake Island, 1993

APEC Economic Leaders met for the first time in November, 1993, when they held informal discussions at Blake Island near Seattle. They envisioned a community of Asia-Pacific economies, based on the spirit of openness and partnership; which would make cooperative efforts to address the challenges of: change; promote the free exchange of goods, services and investment; and work towards broadly-based economic growth, higher living and educational standards and sustainable growth that respects the natural environment.



In subsequent annual meetings, APEC Ministers and Leaders further refined this vision and launched mechanisms to translate it into action. In 1994 in Bogor, the vision of an open trading system became the very ambitious goal of "free and open trade and investment in the Asia-Pacific by 2010 for developed member economies and 2020 for developing ones".



Osaka, 1995

In Osaka, APEC Leaders adopted the Osaka Action Agenda (OAA), which firmly established the three pillars of APEC activities: trade and investment liberalization, business facilitation, and economic and technical cooperation.



Manila, 1996

The Manila Action Plan for APEC (MAPA), adopted by the APEC Leaders in November 1996, compiled members' initial individual action plans to achieve the objectives outlined in Bogor. APEC Leaders also instructed that high priority be given to the following six areas of economic and technical cooperation: developing human capital; fostering safe and efficient capital markets; strengthening economic infrastructure; harnessing technologies of the future; promoting environmentally sustainable growth; and encouraging the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises.



Vancouver, 1997

In Vancouver APEC Leaders recognized members' efforts to improve the commitments in their Individual Action Plans (IAPs) and reaffirmed their intention to update these annually. APEC Leaders endorsed their Ministers' agreement that action should be taken with respect to early voluntary sectoral liberalization (EVSL) in 15 sectors, with nine to be advanced throughout 1998 and implementation to begin in 1999.




Kuala Lumpur, 1998

In Kuala Lumpur APEC Leaders reaffirmed their confidence in the strong economic fundamentals and prospects for recovery of the economies of the Asia-Pacific. They agreed to pursue a cooperative growth strategy to end the financial crisis. They pledged efforts to strengthen: social safety nets; financial systems; trade and investment flows; the scientific and technological base; human resources development; economic infrastructure; and business and commercial links, so as to provide the base and set the pace for sustained growth into the 21st century. APEC Leaders also welcomed the Ministers' decision to seek an EVSL agreement with non-APEC members at the World Trade Organisation.



Auckland, 1999

At their meeting in September 1999 in Auckland, APEC Leaders agreed that the performance and prospects of the APEC economies had improved, but they were not complacent about the risks to recovery. Accordingly they pledged to strengthen markets and improve the international framework governing trade and investment flows. APEC Leaders also put people and their prosperity at the forefront of their discussions, welcoming the more active participation of women and the business sector in APEC's work.



Bandar Seri Begawan,2000

With the emerging signs of economic recovery in the region, APEC Economic Leaders, in their meeting in Bandar Seri Begawan in November 2000, mapped out ways of preserving, strengthening and further opening markets as well as sustaining economic recovery in APEC. Aiming to deliver on the various agreements, to the people and the diverse communities that APEC serves, they decided to address the challenges of the New Economy in the following areas:

Managing Globalization.

The Action Agenda for the New Economy.

Creating New Opportunities.

Strengthening the Multilateral Trading System.

Making APEC Matter More.








二、 中国与APEC

I. Background of APEC this year

In terms of the global economic and trade climate, two major scenarios distinguish the APEC meetings of this year. One is that some of the major members have suffered economic slowdown such as the United States and Japan; and the other is whether to launch a new round of WTO talks this year, remains uncertain. Given that, this year's APEC meetings are focused on the following two issues:

1. Strengthening the cooperation between and among the APEC members in the face of potential economic slowdown for confidence rebuilding;

2. Furthering the liberalization and facilitation process of trade and investment and supporting the development of the multilateral trading system by pushing forward a new round of WTO talks at an earlier date.



1. 加强APEC之间的合作,共同应对可能出现的经济衰退,重树信心;

2. 继续推进APEC贸易投资自由化和便利化进程,支持多边贸易体制发展,推动WTO尽早启动新一轮谈判。

II. Themes and Agenda of APEC meetings

By analyzing the objective environment and practical needs that APEC is facing, and condensing the ideas from various parties, we have agreed upon the theme of APEC 2001 as "Meeting New Challenges in the New Century: Achieving Common Prosperity through Participation and Cooperation". This theme was mainly aimed at guiding the APEC members towards the 21st century and against the backdrop of the economic globalization and New Economy, seeking favorable positions, exploring new opportunities and enhancing cooperation for the common prosperity. Following this way of thinking and considering the present APEC cooperative framework, we worked out three sub-themes, which are:

1. Making all APEC members benefit from the globalization and New Economy by promoting capacity building and exploring future opportunities;

2. Advancing Trade and Investment for the establishment of a more reasonable multilateral trading system;

3.Creating a favorable macro-environment for the sustainable economic development in Asia and Pacific.




2. 促进贸易与投资,推动建立更加合理的多边贸易体制。

3. 为亚太地区经济可持续发展创造有利的宏观环境。

III 筹办机构人员


姓 名 领导小组 职务 NAMEPOSITION 钱其琛组长中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理 QIAN Qichen Director Memberof the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of CPC (CCCPC)
VicePremier of the State Council  黄菊副组长中共中央政治局委员、上海市委书记 HUANG Ju DeputyDirector Member of the Political Bureauof the Central Committee of CPC
Party Secretaryof Shanghai 曾庆红副组长中共中央政治局候补委员、中共中央书记处书记、中央组织部部长 ZENG Qinghong DeputyDirector Alternate member of the PoliticalBureau of CCCPC
Secretary of the Secretariatof CCCPC
Minister of the Organization Department,CCCPC 王忠禹副组长国务委员兼国务院秘书长 WANG Zhongyu DeputyDirector State CouncilorSecretary General of the State Council 王刚成员中共中央办公厅主任 WANG Gang Member Directorof the General Office, CCCPC 唐家璇成员外交部部长 TANG Jiaxuan Member Ministerof Foreign Affairs 石广生成员对外贸易经济合作部部长 SHI Guangsheng Member Ministerof Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation 徐匡迪成员上海市市长 XU Kuangdi Member Mayorof the Shanghai Municipal Government THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE 姓名 筹委会 职务 唐家璇主任外交部部长 TANG Jiaxuan Director Ministerof Foreign Affairs 石广生副主任对外贸易经济合作部部长 SHI Guangsheng DeputyDirector Minister of Foreign Trade and EconomicCooperation 徐匡迪 副主任 上海市市长 XU Kuangdi DeputyDirectorMayor of the Shanghai MunicipalGovernment   THE SECRETARIAT 职 务 筹委会 职务外交部副部长主任外交部部长 Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Director Ministerof Foreign Affairs 外交部部长助理副主任对外贸易经济合作部部长 Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs DeputyDirector Minister of Foreign Trade and EconomicCooperation 徐匡迪 副主任 上海市市长 XU Kuangdi DeputyDirectorMayor of the Shanghai MunicipalGovernment   

IV. 中国筹办会议一览

APEC经济领导人非正式会议 InformalMeeting of Economic Leaders 贸易部长会议 MRT (Ministers Responsible forTrade) Meeting 2001年APEC投资博览会 APEC Investment Mart 2001 杰出青年企业家论坛 YongLeaders Entrepreneurs Forum 海关与商界对话会 APEC Customs-Business Dialogue 2001 APEC妇女领导人会议 APECWomen Leaders Network Meeting 2001 中小企业部长会议 APEC SMEs Meeting 第八届APEC财长会议 The 8th APEC Finance Ministers Meeting (AFMM) APEC工商领导人峰会  APECCEO Summit 2001 ABAC工商咨询理事会 APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) 电子商务与无纸贸易高级研讨会 High-LevelSymposium on E-commerce and Paperless Trading APEC研究中心联席会议 APEC Study Centers (ASC) Consortium Meeting APEC青年节 APECYouth Festival 人力资源能力建设高峰会议 APEC High-level Meeting on Human Capacity Building 第四届APEC科技博览会 APECTechnomart IV 


Q : When and why "APEC" was established ?

A : "APEC" was established in 1989 in response to the growing interdependence among Asia-Pacific economies. Its goal is to advance Asia-Pacific economic dynamism and sense of community.



Q: Who are the "Observers" of APEC ?

A: There are three observers, namely Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Secretariat, Pacific Economic Cooperation Council (PECC) and South Pacific Forum (SPF).



Q : What does "EVSL" mean ?

A : "EVSL" means "Early Voluntary Sectoral Liberalization". The concept was presented by the APEC Economic Leaders in 1996 to identify potential sectors where early voluntary liberalization would have a positive impact on trade, investment, and economic growth in the individual APEC economies as well as in the region.



Q : How many sectors are involved in the "EVSL" process ?

A : Fifteen (15) sectors were identified in 1997. They are : environmental goods and services; fish and fish products; toys; forest products; gems and jewellery; medical equipment and instruments; chemicals; energy sector; telecommunications mutual recognition arrangement (MRA); food sector; natural and synthetic rubber; fertilizers; automotive; oilseeds and oilseed products and civil aircraft. The first nine (9) sectors belonged to fast track sectors.



Q : What is the composition of the Secretariat staff ?

A : The Secretariat has two-category of staff. The first category is Professional Staff Members (PSMs) which are seconded from the government of member economies. The other is Supportive Staff Members (SSMs) which are openly recruited in Singapore.



Q : How is the APEC decision-making process ?

A : APEC operates by consensus. Members conduct their activities and work programs on the basis of open dialogue with equal respect for the views of all participants.



