
2007年12月3日 英安全部门警告银行提防中国黑客

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-06 15:02:22 

英国军情五处(MI5)处长乔纳森?埃文斯(Jonathan Evans)警告银行与金融服务企业,中国电脑黑客攻击已威胁到商业敏感信息的安全。

The director-general of MI5 has warned banks and financial services companies that commercially sensitive information is at risk of being compromised by Chinese computer hacking.


According to private sector security specialists, Jonathan Evans, who took over as chief of MI5, the Security Service, in April, delivered the warning in an unusual letter to the companies, saying the threat came from Chinese state enterprises.


Although it has long been considered a risk by MI5, Chinese hacking has become a growing concern to the agency. The decision to send a letter to private companies appears to be an attempt to emphasise that it is not only government computers at risk from Chinese hackers, but those from the private sector too.


It was not clear whether a particular incident, or spate of incidents, prompted the letter. Government officials would not confirm the letter’s existence.


In his first public speech last month, Mr Evans expressed irritation that his service, stretched by its anti-terrorism mission, had to devote resources to espionage by Russia and China. “Despite the cold war ending nearly two decades ago, my service is still expending resources to defend the UK against unreconstructed attempts by Russia, China and others to spy on us.


“A number of countries continue to devote considerable time and energy trying to steal our sensitive technology on civilian and military projects, and trying to obtain political and economic intelligence at our expense. They do not only use traditional methods to collect intelligence but increasingly deploy sophisticated technical attacks, using the internet to penetrate computer networks,” he said.

他的前任伊丽莎?曼宁汉姆?布勒女爵士(Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller)也曾在非公开讲话中传递过同样的信息。金融企业,加上通信、食品、能源、水务及其它行业的企业,都被视为国家关键基础设施的组成部分。

His predecessor, Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, had delivered a similar message in private speeches. Financial companies, along with others in the fields of communications, food, en-ergy, water and others, are regarded as part of the critical national infrastructure.

埃文斯还掌控着英国国家基础设施保护中心(Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure),这是一个跨部门机构,致力于减少这些关键经济领域的弱点。

Mr Evans oversees the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, an interdepartmental agency devoted to reducing the vulnerabilities of these key sectors of the economy.

