

分类: 外贸英语  时间: 2023-12-06 15:01:28 
客户来访时,要热情接待;对于事先有约的来访者,应立即向上司汇报。如果想请客吃饭,那么一定要提前预约,看对方有没有时间;请客的地点应根据对方的特点(如品味,饮食习惯等)而定,注意不要触犯对方的禁忌;进餐时要注意餐桌用语和礼仪,当然,趁请客的机会适当谈些工作也未尝不可。让我们来看下面2段小对话:Dialogue IA: Good morning. Can I help you?早上好,我可以为您效劳吗?B: Good morning. Is this Modern Office, Ltd.?早上好,这是现代办公用品有限公司吗?A: Yes, it is. 是的。B: I have an appointment with the sales manager at 11:30.我和销售经理约在11:30见。A: May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓?B: Black, David Black. I'm from the ACS Company.布莱克,大卫-布莱克。我是ACS公司的。A: Let me see. Ah, yes, Mr. Black. Please take a seat. Mr. Black, I'll tell the manager's secretary you are here.让我看一下。哦,是的,布莱克先生。我这就通知经理的秘书,说您已经来了。Dialogue IIA: Will you be busy for lunch tomorrow?明天你有时间来吃午饭吗?B: No, I don't have any plans.可以,我没有其他的安排。A: Good. Why don't we have lunch at Charley's?太好了。我们何不去查理饭店吃午餐呢?B: All right. Thanks.好的。谢谢。A: I'll see you there at twelve.我们明天12:00点在那儿见吧。B: That'll be fine.好的。来源:竞学职场

