

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:40:17 
PART 1A: Operator.接线员。B: I'd like to make a collect call to Los Angeles. That's area code 213-486-2435.我想打个电话到洛杉矶,由对方付款。电话号码是213-486-2435。A: And what's the name of the person you want to speak to?你要通话的人叫什么名字?B: Susan Greene.苏珊.格林。PART 2A: Operator.接线员。B: Yes, Operator. I'd like to place a person-to-person call to Chicago. The number is 982-8674, but I don't know the area code.喂,接线员,我想挂个叫人电话到芝加哥,电话号码是982-8674,但我不知道电话分区号码。A: Who do you want to speak to?你想和谁通话?B: I'll speak to anyone at extension[电话分机;分机号码]214.214分机的谁都行。The telephone system in the United States, as in many other countries, has a special number for each region of the country. It is called an "area code". If you know the area code and the phone number, it's usually cheaper to dial the number yourself. Of course, you must go through [通过] an operator to make person-to-person or collect calls. You can dial direct to many countries overseas or you can ask for the overseas operator. 和其他许多国家一样,美国的电话系统规定每个地区都有一个专门的号码,叫做“电话分区号码”。如果你知道电话分区号码,又知道对方的电话号码,你可以自己拨打电话,这样做通常比较经济。当然,如果你要打叫人电话或由对方付款的电话,则必须通过接线员。你可以直接拨号与海外很多国家通话,也可以找国际长途台的接线员转接。  

