

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:40:04 
Light: I'm afraid I won't be able to keep my appointment with you next Thursday, after all. You see, I've got to go to New York on urgent business. I'm very sorry about it.

Zhang: Well, I understand, but how long will you be gone?

Light: Only a week or so. I'll be back before the weekend after next. So I'm calling to see if we could change the time for our meeting to Friday after next.

Zhang: Certainly. What about the morning?

Light: No, please come over at three, and after that I'll take you to a restaurant I know.

Zhang: That'd be very kind of you.

Light: See you then! I'm sorry about the postponement.

Zhang: That's alright. Have a nice trip! Good-bye!

Light: Bye! Zhang.

