

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:38:55 

Was 2007 a professional bust for you? Was your career stuck in neutral? Never fear, the new year is here, and with it comes endless possibilities for growth, upward mobility, and more. 2007年里职业不顺利吗?事业一直停步不前?别担心,新年到来也同时还带来了无数个成长,向上发展,等等的机会。

Deborah Brown-Volkman, a certified professional coach, says, "What's great about the new year is that it's like a do-over. You've completed the last year, and now you can start all over again." 有专业认证的职业培训师Deborah Brown-Volkman说:“新年的好处就是可以从头再来;去年已经过完,现在你又能重新开始。”

Regain Your Focus


The first step in reviving a stagnant career is to regain your focus. Finding it begins with identifying what you want, according to Brown-Volkman, who's been coaching clients for almost 10 years. 要使停滞不前的事业重获生机,第一步是重新找到你的重心。具有10年职业训练经验的 Brown-Volkman说,这要从决定你想要什么开始。

"Ask yourself what you want, what you want to be different this year. Start listening to yourself. Do you want a better relationship with your boss? A leadership role at your company? A new job altogether? You have to get clear on what you want," she counsels. 她说:“问自己你想要什么,希望自己08年有什么不同。倾听自己的内心。是希望改善和老板的关系,还是在公司担任某个领导角色,还是彻底找一份新工作?你必须清楚地知道你想要什么。”

If identifying what you want is too intimidating or overwhelming, Brown-Volkman suggests figuring out what you don't want as a way of backing into your professional desires. Ultimately, knowing what you want, she says, "will give you focus." 如果确定想要什么是一件太令人生畏或困难的事,Brown-Volkman建议可以想想自己不想要什么,用这种方式确定你对职业的希求。知道自己想要什么可以帮你找到应该关注的重心。(to be continued)

