

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:38:55 

Deborah Brown-Volkman, a certified professional coach, says, "What's great about the new year is that it's like a do-over. You've completed the last year, and now you can start all over again." 有专业认证的职业培训师Deborah Brown-Volkman说:“新年的好处就是可以从头再来;去年已经过完,现在你又能重新开始。”


Make an Action Plan


Next, you must formulate an action plan and follow through it. Don't wait for opportunity to knock on your door, warns Brown-Volkman. "People wait for it to come to them, but they have to start moving toward it. Action is what builds momentum." 接下来,你必须制定出一个行动计划,并坚持下去。Brown-Volkman的忠告是不要等机会来敲门,“人们总是等机会来找他们,其实他们应该朝着机会前进。行动才能带来动力。”

As you move toward your big picture goals, there are small actions that can help you move forward. "Changing your attitude will make a big difference. If you focus on the bad, it will be bad for you. Focus on the positive and that will give you energy." 当你朝总目标努力时,有一些小的行动会起到一臂之力的作用。Brown-Volkman说:“改变态度能起到很大作用。把注意力放在不好的事情上对你没什么好处。去关注积极的事情,这会给你带来活力。”(to be continued)

