

分类: 求职英语  时间: 2023-12-06 14:37:48 


Regardless of the legislation or your company's individual policy, workers have to recognize the problem before anything is likely to change. If you're physically ill the night before the start of every workweek, take a minute to think about whether it's because you're being bullied.

While more overt signs might include a boss who has a habit of yelling at you in front of your co-workers or making belittling or critical comments about your work during meetings, some behavior is more insidious. Ever get excluded from a group lunch or team meeting? That might qualify as bullying, too.

If you're looking for advice, scholars with Arizona State University's Project for Wellness and Work-Life, a group that examines the intersections of work, domestic life and wellness, have some suggestions. In their 2007 report entitled "How to Bust the Office Bully," they recommend that targets figure out a rational way to tell their stories to colleagues, bosses or human resources while managing their emotions. Emphasizing your competence and showing consideration for others' perspectives is also crucial, the report says.

But if you feel like your company supports this kind of negative behavior, your best option just might be to quit.

"It's not worth it," Hershcovis says, "to put your health at risk."

Work Means Misery 工作意味着痛苦

If you often feel like throwing up or are particularly anxious the night before the start of your workweek, there's a good chance you're experiencing workplace bullying, experts say. While few people look forward to Mondays, they shouldn't cause you to feel physically ill.

Constant Criticism 不断地批评

If the criticism from your boss or co-worker never seems to stop, despite your history of objective competence and even excellence, a bully might be to blame. Workplace bullies also tend to have a different standard in mind for their targets, experts say.

Lots Of Yelling 大喊大叫是常事

Overt workplace bullies tend to make their feelings known by yelling. If you are frequently screamed at, insulted or humiliated in front of others, you're probably being bullied.

Remembering Your Mistakes 对以往过错纠缠不休

If your boss or co-worker seems to keep a file of your mistakes and constantly refer to them for no constructive reason, you're likely being bullied. Falsely accusing you of errors is another common tactic.

