职场口语 介绍他人(1)
你认识马克吗?Do you know Mark?
○ Have you met Kate before? 你以前见过凯特吗?
我想你不认识大卫,是吗?I don't think you've met David, have you?
○ Have you two been introduced? 有人介绍你们俩认识吗?
顺便问—下,你们彼此认识吗?By the way, do you know each other?
● by the way“顺便问一下”
● each other“彼此,互相”
我把你介绍给全体员工,好吗?May I introduce you to the staff?
○ May I introduce my friend, Tina? 我可以介绍一下我的朋友蒂娜吗?
★ staff[stɑ:f]n. 全体职员
我想让你见一下公司的首席执行官安德森先生。I'd like you to meet Mr. Anderson, CEO of
the company.
○ I'd like to introduce you to my father. 我想把你介绍给我的父亲。
■ “CEO”的意思是“首席执行官”,是“Chief Executive Officer”的缩写。
请允许我把我的同事张教授介绍给你。Please allow me to introduce my colleague, Professor
Zhang to you.
★ colleague['kɔli:g]n. 同事,同僚
这位是尼古拉斯·李,公司经理。This is Nicolas Lee, manager of our company.
★ manager['mæniʤə]n. 经理,管理人员
我可以介绍一下中美友好协会主席,约翰·格兰特先生吗?May I present Mr. John Grant,
President of Sino-American Friendship Association?
★ present[pri'zent]v. 介绍,引见
■ 前缀“Sino-”['saɪnəu]表示“中国的”。
我想你们会成为好朋友的。I think you'll be good friends.
○ I think you'll get along well with each other. 我觉得你们会相处得很好的。