
中华人民共和国文物保护法 3

分类: 法律英语 

第三章 考古发掘


第十六条 一切考古发掘工作,都必须履行报批手续。地下埋藏的文物,任何单位或者个人都不得私自发掘。出土的文物除根据需要交给科学研究部门研究的以外,由当地文化行政管理部门指定的单位保管,任何单位或者个人不得侵占。

Article 16 The procedure of submitting reports for approval must be performed for all archaeological excavations. No unit or individual may conduct excavations without permission. The cultural relics unearthed, except for those to be handed over, as may be necessary, to scientific research institutions for the purpose of research, shall be taken care of by units designated by local departments for cultural administration, and no unit or individual may take them into its or his own possession.


With a view to ensuring the safety of the cultural relics, conducting scientific research and making full use of cultural relics, the departments for cultural administration of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, when necessary, transfer and use the cultural relics within their respective administrative areas after reporting to and securing the approval of the people's governments of these administrative divisions; the state department for cultural administration may, upon approval by the State Council, transfer and use major cultural relics unearthed anywhere in the country.

第十七条 各省、自治区、直辖市文物机构、考古研究机构和高等学校等,为了科学研究进行考古发掘,必须提出发掘计划,报国家文化行政管理部门会同中国社会科学院审查,经国家文化行政管理部门批准后,始得进行发掘。

Article 17 To conduct archaeological excavations for the purpose of scientific research, institutions in charge of cultural relics, institutions for archaeological research and institutions of higher learning in the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall submit their excavation programmes to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and may not proceed with the excavations until they obtain the approval of the state department for cultural administration.


Archaeological excavation programmes which have to be carried out at the major sites to be protected for their historical and cultural value at the national level shall be submitted to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences before they are forwarded to the State Council for approval.

第十八条 在进行大型基本建设项目的时候,建设单位要事先会同省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门在工程范围内有可能埋藏文物的地方进行文物的调查或者勘探工作。

Article 18 Before carrying out a large-scale capital construction project, the construction unit shall first conduct investigation or prospecting related to cultural relics, together with the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, at places where such relics may be buried underground within the area designated for the project.


If cultural relics are discovered in the course of investigation and prospecting, measures for handling them should be jointly decided upon by the two parties through consultation. In case of important discoveries, the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit timely reports for handling by the state department for cultural administration.


While carrying out capital construction or agricultural production, any unit or individual that discovers cultural relics shall immediately report the discoveries to the local department for cultural administration. In case of important discoveries, the local department for cultural administration must submit timely reports for handling by the departments for cultural administration at higher levels.

第十九条 需要配合建设工程进行的考古发掘工作,应由省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门在勘探工作的基础上提出发掘计划,报国家文化行政管理部门会同中国社会科学院审查,由国家文化行政管理部门批准。

Article 19 With regard to archaeological excavations which have to be carried out along with a construction project, the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government shall submit an excavation programme based on prospecting to the state department for cultural administration for joint examination with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and for approval by the department.


In cases where the pressing time limit for the completion of the project or the danger of natural damage makes it truly urgent to rescue the sites of ancient culture and ancient tombs, the department for cultural administration of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government may organize people to proceed with the excavations while going through the procedures to obtain approval.

第二十条 凡因进行基本建设和生产建设需要文物勘探、考古发掘的,所需费用和劳动力由建设单位列入投资计划和劳动计划,或者报上级计划部门解决。

Article 20 The expenses and workforce needed for the prospecting for cultural relics and archaeological excavations which have to be carried out because of capital construction or construction for productive purposes shall be included in the investment and labour plans of the construction units or reported to planning departments at higher levels for proper arrangement.

第二十一条 非经国家文化行政管理部门报国务院特别许可,任何外国人或者外国团体不得在中华人民共和国境内进行考古调查和发掘。

Article 21 No foreign national or foreign organization may engage in archaeological investigations or excavations within the boundaries of the People's Republic of China without special permission granted by the State Council, on the basis of a report from the state department for cultural administration.

