
中英文:What are points

分类: 法律英语 
A counting system known as points is used by some states to keep track of the number and severity of moving violations of which an individual may be convicted. Upon conviction, the court is required to send a record to the state's department of motor vehicles. Depending on the charge, the person will receive a certain number of points on his or her driving record. The number of points assessed for moving violations varies. For example, a speeding ticket may carry a penalty of two points, while driving with a suspended license could result in a penalty of twelve points. If a person accumulates a set number of points, he or she may lose the right to drive by a license suspension or revocation. Insurance companies also check the number of points on an individual's record and may raise his or her rates if there is a high number of points. You may wish to consult with an attorney about points assessed for a particular moving violation or how to fight a traffic ticket to avoid points on your record.



1 counting n. 计算 (法律专业)n. 开票 ,点数

2 track中古英语trak<中古法语trac轨迹 n


The hunter followed the animal's tracks. 猎人追踪动物的足迹。


(3) 轨道,铁轨

(4) 路线;轨迹

(5) (拖拉机、坦克的)履带

(6) 跑道

(7) 录音带中的一首乐曲

(8) 一段录音带

on the right track 想得对;做得对

on the wrong track 想得不对;做错

track vt


(2)(常与back, in连用)(摄影或摄像时)来回移动镜头或身体

3 severity n. 严肃, 严格, 严重, 激烈

4 violation n. 违反, 违背, 妨碍, 侵害, [体]违例, 强奸

(法律专业) n. 犯 ,违警罪 侵犯 ,违背法律,违犯

5 convict vt


He was convicted of murder. 他被判犯有谋杀罪。


convict n 罪犯;囚犯;被长期监禁者

6 assess 中古英语assessen<中古法语assesser<中古拉丁语assessare征税<拉丁语assidere坐在一旁 vt


Assessed him at £100. 给他估算100 英镑。


(3)征(税); 分摊(费用);处以(罚款)

7 accumulate 来自拉丁语 accumulatus

-lated, -lating


He accumulated a good library. 积累了丰富的藏书

8 suspension n 吊, 悬浮, 悬浮液, 暂停, 中止, 悬而未决, 延迟

(法律专业) n. 吊销 ,缓期,中止

9 revocation n. 撤回 (法律专业) 撤回 ,撤销,吊销 n. 收回

