
中英文:What is special education

分类: 法律英语 
Special education is specially designed instruction, at no cost to parents, to meet the unique needs of a child with a disability in the least restrictive environment. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act mandates that school districts provide a free appropriate public education to their students who qualify for special education and related services under the Act. In order for a child with a disability to receive special education and related services under this Act, the child must be evaluated by the public school and found to meet the eligibility criteria as set forth in the Act. An individualized education program is then developed for the child by a team that includes the parents. A child who does not meet the eligibility criteria for receiving special education and related services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act should be evaluated to determine whether he or she qualifies for aids and services under Section 5 or 4 of the Rehabilitation Act. For more information regarding eligibility criteria, consult an experienced attorney.

翻译:特殊教育无需家长掏费用,是专门满足有残疾的孩子在受限环境中的需求的一种专门设计的教育。《残疾人教育法》规定各区的学校必须免费提供适当的公共教育给那些有资格享受特殊教育和相关服务的学生。为了使残疾的孩子得到特殊教育和相关服务,必须依照《残疾人教育法》所阐述的标准由公共学校对(残疾)孩子的资格进行评估。此后,包括父母在内的专门为残疾孩子设计的个体教育团队组成了。依照《残疾人教育法》残疾孩子没有达到接受特殊教育与相关服务的标准应当按照《康复法》第四或第五章 的规定评估他(她)是否有资格接受援助和相关服务。想了解更多(残疾孩子是否符合特殊教育标准)方面的信息,可向有经验的律师咨询。

1 Unique 来自拉丁语unicus

(1) 唯一的,独一无二的

(2) 独特的;少见的

a rather unique position 特殊的情况

That building is unique because all the others like it were destroyed. 那座建筑很独特,因为所有像它那样的其他建筑都毁坏了。

2 Restrictive adj. 限制性的

3 Mandate n

(1) 命令;指令

(2) 托管地

(3) 选民授予政府的权力

mandate vt

(1) 托管

(2) 授权

4 eligibility n. 适任, 合格

5 criteria n. pl. 标准

6 Rehabilitation n

(1) 复原;修复

(2) 康复

rehabilitation center 康复中心

7 designed adj. 有计划的, 原意的

8 disability n -ties


He gets a disability pension from the Government because of his disabilities in a fire accident.他在一次火灾事故中因残废而得到政府的伤残抚恤金

9 set forth v. 阐明, 宣布, 提出, 陈列, 出发, 把(会议等)提前


10 Section来自拉丁语sectio<secare“切”的过去分词sectus n


One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing. 班上的一部分人在看书,另一部分人在写东西。

Divide the class into five sections of six students each."把班级分成五个小组,每组六个学生。"

(2)(水果的) 瓣,片




