
中英文:What are related service

分类: 法律英语 
For a child with a disability, as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, related services are those that are required to help that child benefit from special education. Related services may include transportation, speech-language pathology and audiology services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, social work services, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services, and medical services for diagnostic and evaluation purposes only. Related services may also include school health services, social work services in schools, and parent counseling and training. Please contact an attorney for more information regarding related services.


1、Pathology n 病理学

2、Audiology n. 听力学(主要研究对听力受损者的治疗方法)

3、Psychological源自希腊语psyche心理+ -logical adj


(2)心理学上的 a psychological problem 一个心理学上的问题

Is there any possible psychological explanation for his bad health?"他健康状况不好,有没有可能具有什么心理上的原因呢?"

4、therapy n -pies 疗法;治疗Physical therapy alternates with chemical.理疗和化疗交替进行。

5、rehabilitation n (1)复原;修复 (2)康复 rehabilitation center 康复中心

6、diagnostic adj 诊断的,用于诊断的

diagnostic n (1)症状,症候 (2)(pl)〈计〉诊断程序 (3)(pl)(用作sing)〈医〉诊断学;诊断法

7 orientation orientat[e]+-ion n (1) 方向;方位 (2) 定方向;定方位

8 recreation n. 消遣, 娱乐

9 mobility n. 活动性, 灵活性, 迁移率, 机动性

