

分类: 法律英语 

Torts vs. Crimes(侵权与犯罪)


Simply stated, a tort is a wrong. It is a private wrong (civil as opposed to criminal) resulting from a breach of a legal duty derived from society's expectations regarding proper and improper interpersonal conduct.

A tort is any socially unreasonable conduct, which is not contractual, for which a court will grant monetary damages or an equitable remedy to compensate an individual for his/her injury. The rights and duties involved in a tort case may arise from either statute or common law.

While, a crime is an offense against the public, and criminal law does not seek to compensate the victim. Tort includes both deliberate wrongs (intentional torts) and inadvertent or accidental wrongs (negligent torts), as well as wrongs for which the offender is held liable regardless of motivation or ability to prevent the injury (strict liability). Torts that are specifically related to business are grouped separately. Tort law is perhaps the broadest and most volatile area of civil law.

Conduct that is a tort may also be a crime. Conduct that unreasonably interferes with someone else's interest is frequently both a tort and a crime.

1. Most crimes involve socially unacceptable conduct that unreasonably interferes with another's interests, e.g., arson, burglary, manslaughter, murder, rape, and robbery.

2. The burden of proof in a tort action (a "preponderance of the evidence") is much lighter than the state's burden in a criminal action ("beyond a reasonable doubt").

3. Because the burden of proof is much lighter in a tort action, it is possible to prevail in a tort case while the state does not succeed in its related criminal prosecution.

4. Thus, differentiating between a tort and a crime is essential.

a. A tort is any socially unreasonable conduct, which is not contractual.

b. A crime is an offense against the public and has little, if anything, to do with compensating the victim of the crime.

c. In a tort action, an injured party sues to obtain compensation for the damages that (s)he sustained as a result of the defendant's wrongful conduct.

The fundamental purpose of tort law is to compensate the injured party, not necessarily to punish the wrongdoer as in criminal law. However, punitive damages (compensation in excess of actual damages) may be awarded if the defendant's conduct was willful, malicious, or particularly repugnant.

译文: 侵权与犯罪














regarding prep. 关于

contractual a. 契约的

monetary a. 货币的,金钱的

deliberate wrongs 故意的(蓄意的)非法行为

inadvertent a. 不注意的,疏忽的,无意中做的

offender n. 罪犯,冒犯者

motivation n. 动机

volatile a. 飞行的,挥发性的,可变的,不稳定的 n. 挥发物

arson n. 纵火,纵火罪

burglary v. 入室行窃

manslaughter n. 杀人,一般杀人罪

murder n. v. 谋杀,凶杀

rape n. vt. 掠夺,强*

robbery n. 抢掠,抢夺

burden of proof 举证责任

preponderance n. 优势,占优势

beyond a reasonable doubt 无合理疑问,理无可疑

wrongdoer n. 不法行为者,犯罪之人,侵权者

punitive damages 惩罚性损害赔偿金

willful a. 故意的,任性的

malicious a. 恶意的,怀有恶意的,恶毒的

repugnant a. 不一致的

