

分类: 法律英语 
社会规范 social regulation

社会连带主义法学 social solidarism jurisprudence

社会契约论 theory of social contract

社会团体:social organization

社会主义法学 socialist jurisprudence

社会主义法制 socialist legal system; socialist rule of law

神法 divine law

神权说 theory of divine right

审查制度 censorship; inspection system

审计监督 supervise through auditing

审计监督权 power to supervise through auditing

生效条款 operative clause

失效法律 expired laws

失效日 expiry date

施行细则 implementary provisions

实证主义法学派 the positivist school

《十二表法》 Twelve Tables

实体法 material law; substantial law

实体法上的抗辩 substantial defense

实体权利 substantive right

实用主义法学 judicial pragmaticism

实在法 positive law

实在法学 positive jurisprudence

实在法学派 positivist

实在主义法学 positivist jurisprudence

实证法学 positive jurisprudence

实质条款 material stipulation

实质性的瑕疵 defect of substance

实质性解释 material interpretation

事实的推定 presumption of fact


适用法律 reference to the law; applicable law

适用范围 area of application; sphere of application

适用中国法律:be governed by the law of PRC (The law of PRC shall apply to)

溯及既往原则 doctrine of retroactivity

溯及力 retrospect; retrospective effect

损害赔偿 damages

梭伦 Solon

弹性宪法 elastic constitution

特别程序 special procedure

特别但书 special proviso

特别法 special law

特殊主体 special subject

提案motion; overture; proposal

提出抗辩 raise a plea; raise a plead

条约法 law of treaties

同态复仇 retaliation

推定合法presumption of legality

停止生效cease to have effect

外国法 foreign law

外国法制史 foreign legal history

外国人待遇 foreigner treatment

完全民事权利能力:full capacity for civil conduct

完全丧失行为能力的人 person entirely incapable of legal transaction

完全无行为能力 absolute disability

万民法 jus gentium

违法构成要件 essential condition of delict

违宪 violation of constitution

乌尔比安 Ulpianus

无国籍人:stateless persons

无条件解释 unconditional interpretation

无效的法律 void law

