
上海市商品交易市场管理办法 Procedures of Shanghai Municipali

分类: 法律英语 


第一章 总则




















第二章 商品交易市场的设置
























第三章 市场经营管理者





















































第四章 场内经营者


















第五章 法律责任














第六章 附则








Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on The Administration of Commodity Trading Markets
(Promulgated on November 18, 2002 by Decree No. 127 of the Shanghai Municipal People''s Government)

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 (Purpose) These Procedures are formulated for the purposes of normalizing the administration of market operation and acts of floor trading, safeguarding the order of commodity trading markets, guaranteeing the legitimate rights and interests of market operation administrators, floor traders and commodity buyers, and promoting the healthy development of commodity trading markets, and in line with the actual circumstances of this Municipality.

Article 2 (Definition)The commodity trading markets mentioned in these Procedures refer to the fixed places where market operation administrators operate and manage and floor traders carry out spot commodity transaction in a centralized manner.The market operation administrators mentioned in these Procedures refer to corporations established according to law that organize floor traders to carry out spot commodity transaction and conduct market operation, service and management in a centralized manner by using fixed places of their own or leased.The floor traders mentioned in these Procedures refer to the enterprises, self-employed workers in industry and commerce, peasants who sell their own produce, and other organizations that engage in the spot commodity transactions in their own name.

Article 3 (Scope of Application)These Procedures shall apply to the establishment, operation and management of, floor trading in, and activities of supervision relating to the commodity trading markets within this Municipality's administrative area.

Article 4 (Duties of Departments)The municipal competent commerce administrative department is in charge of the coordination, guidance and administration of the planning and norms of various commodity trading markets in this Municipality.The relevant competent administrative departments of this Municipality shall, according to their respective duties, cooperate in exercising guidance and administration of commodity trading markets of their respective trades.The administrative supervision departments of industry and commerce, public health, taxation, quality and technical supervision, public security, fire prevention, environmental protection, city appearance and environmental sanitation, price control and urban transportation at all levels shall, according to their respective duties, exercise supervision over commodity trading markets according to law.

Article 5 (Duties of District/County, Town and Township Governments and Sub-district Offices)The district/county people's governments shall carry out coordination and administration in respect to the planning and establishment of commodity trading markets within their respective areas.The town and township people's governments and sub-district offices shall carry out administration in respect to the peripheral environment and order of commodity trading markets within their respective areas.

Article 6 (Principles)The establishment of commodity trading markets shall follow the principles of activating circulation, offering convenience to citizens and making rational layout, and shall meet establishment requirements. Major commodity trading markets shall practice the planning regulation and control and the granting of operational rights to the better traders.The operation and administration of commodity trading markets shall carry out the combination of offering services with exercising management, and define the responsibility of operational administrators for market management.The floor traders engaged in commodity trading activities in the commodity trading markets shall keep to their commitment, do legal business and participate in fair competition, and shall not infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of commodity buyers and other traders.

Chapter II Establishment of Commodity Trading Markets

Article 7 (Requirements for Establishing Commodity Trading Markets)The establishment of commodity trading markets shall meet the following requirements:(1) The site-selection of markets shall be in line with the urban construction planning and meet the requirements of environmental protection and city appearance and environmental sanitation;(2) Having fixed places and auxiliary facilities suited to the commodity variety and scale in trading;(3) Having a certain number of market administrators with management qualification;(4) Other requirements as may be provided by laws, rules and regulations.The establishment of a commodity trading market shall not occupy roads, greenery land or woodland, or pose obvious impact on normal life of residents living in the surroundings.The specific requirements for the establishment of varied commodity trading markets shall be put forward by the municipal competent commerce administrative department jointly with relevant competent administrative departments, determined after soliciting opinions from administrative supervision departments and relevant trade associations, and then be published to society.

Article 8 (Planning Management of Major Commodity Trading Markets)This Municipality practices planning management on the establishment of major commodity trading markets such as edible farm produce markets.Other major commodity trading markets that need the implementation of planning management shall be put forward by the municipal competent commerce administrative department or by the municipal relevant competent administrative departments jointly with the municipal competent commerce administrative department, be reported to the Municipal People's Government for finalization and then be published to society.

Article 9 (Preparation of Market Layout Planning)The market layout planning shall be prepared by the municipal competent commerce administrative department alone or in cooperation with relevant competent administrative departments, be reported to the Municipal People's Government and be carried out after being approved.The market layout planning shall include the basic contents such as quantity, region, location, scale and functions of the commodity trading markets to be set up.In preparation of the market layout planning, opinions shall be solicited from relevant trade associations.

Article 10 (Open Bidding for Market Operation Rights)The market operation rights of major commodity trading markets shall be determined in the form of inviting and tendering bids according to the principle of selection of the best through competition.The municipal competent commerce administrative department shall be responsible for drawing up the specific operation procedure of open bidding and the relevant competent administrative departments shall organize the implementation.The market operation rights obtained through the procedure of open bidding shall not be transferred.

Article 11 (Planning Management of Edible Farm Produce Markets)The municipal competent commerce administrative department, jointly with the municipal competent agricultural administrative department, the municipal industrial and commercial administrative department, and the municipal public health administrative department shall prepare and submit the layout planning of edible farm produce wholesale markets to the Municipal People's Government for approval and then implement the planning.The district/county competent commerce administrative department, jointly with the district/county competent agricultural administrative department, industrial and commercial administrative department and public health administrative department, shall prepare the layout planning of edible farm produce markets that are mainly for retail business, and submit the planning to the people's government at corresponding level for approval and then implement the planning.No edible farm produce wholesale market shall be set up in the commercial centers of municipal level. No edible farm produce trading shall be conducted in the markets run in the name of other commodity trading markets.

Chapter III Market Operation Administrators

Article 12 (Registration)Those who apply for conducting market operation management activities shall, after having the commodity trading market in preparation met the establishment requirements specified in these Procedures, register themselves with the industrial and commercial administrative department, and take out the corporation business license.The market operation administrators engaged in market operation management activities in the place other than the registration locality shall, after having the commodity trading market in preparation met the requirements set forth in these Procedures, register themselves as the branch agency with the industrial and commercial administrative department in the locality of the marketplace, and take out the business license.

Article 13 (Enterprise Name and Business Scope)In the enterprise name of market operation administrator, there shall be marked at the part of trade the wording of"Market Operation Management".In respect of enterprise not engaged in market operation management, the wording of"Market Operation Management"shall not be used in the name.

Article 14 (Materials to be Submitted in Application for Business Registration)When applying for business registration, the market operation administrators shall submit the following documents to the organ in charge of registration in addition to the materials as required by the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Corporation Registration"and the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration":(1) Certification materials evidencing the compliance with the requirements of fire prevention, public health, public security and environmental protection;(2) Certification materials evidencing the ownership or use right of the real estate that comply with its use purpose as provided;(3) Certification materials evidencing market administrators that meet the requirements as provided; and(4) Other materials as may be required by laws, rules and regulations.The market operation administrators of major commodity trading markets such as edible farm produce markets, when applying for business registration, shall submit the bid-winning notice of market operational right as well.

Article 15 (Registration of Alteration and Cancellation) The market operation administrators, when changing name, residence location, business site, legal representative, business scope, registered capital and operational duration of the enterprise, shall go through alteration registration with the organ in charge of registration.The market operation administrators, when closing business, going bankrupt, or terminating business for other reasons, shall go through timely cancellation registration with the organ in charge of registration.

Article 16 (Drawing up and Implementing the Market Management Systems)The market operation administrators shall draw up various market management systems, organize regular checks of the implementation of the market management systems, and take necessary measures in time based on the check results.

Article 17 (Maintaining Business Sites and Facilities)The market operation administrators shall maintain the operational facilities and other facilities of fire prevention, public health, environmental sanitation and security in the marketplaces, and ensure that all relevant facilities are in good condition.

Article 18 (Normalized Guidance of On-floor Operation Contracts)The market operation administrators, when concluding on-floor operation contracts with floor traders, may refer to the model text of on-floor operation contract, and stipulate relevant rights and obligations of both parties on doing normalized business according to law, the liability for breach of contract, and the mode of dispute settlement. The municipal competent commerce administrative department, jointly with the municipal administrative department of industry and commerce, shall draw up the model text of on-floor operation contract and recommend its use.

Article 19 (Urging Floor Traders to Do Business According to Law)The market operation administrators shall check the business license, taxation registration certificate, and various operation permits of floor traders.The market operation administrators shall urge floor traders to perform relevant provisions of laws and market management systems, enhance the awareness of honest and good-faith services and of doing business in a civilized manner, and advocate good operational style and commercial ethics.

Article 20 (Public Notice in Marketplaces)The market operation administrators shall put up the business license, tax registration certificate and operation permits of all kinds in a conspicuous place of the market, and publish the market management systems and the addresses and telephones of the administrative supervision department and the complaint-handling agency.The market operation administrators shall set up public notice boards in a conspicuous place of the markets. Relevant administrative supervision departments and the market operation administrators shall be responsible for making public the illegal business acts, the commendations and rewards, and matters deserving attention in business activities in their respective marketplaces.

Article 21 (Equipping with Measuring Instruments and Assisting in Measurement Check)The operation administrators shall, in cooperation with the quality and technical department, compile a register of measuring instruments used in the marketplace and fell under the category of compulsory check, and organize floor traders to apply for periodical checks to the designated measurement check agency, and urge floor traders to make routine maintenance of measuring instruments according to law.The market operation administrators shall equip the marketplace with measurement re-check instruments.The market operation administrators shall be encouraged to provide normalized service of measuring instrument for high price level commodities, and issue measurement data in a unified way.

Article 22 (Statistics of Market Trading Situation)The market operation administrators shall be responsible for making statistics of market trading situation, fill in and submit regularly statistical statements to the relevant administrative department in charge.

Article 23 (Designation of Area for Special Use)The market operation administrators of edible farm produce market that engage mainly in retail business shall designate in the marketplace special area of not less than 5 per cent of business area of the market for use of peasants to sell their self-produced edible farm produce, or for persons of non-regular employment organization to deal in edible farm produce.

Article 24 (Supervision over Floor Traders)The market operation administrators shall not provide sites, storage, warehousing, transportation and other conditions for floor traders that engage in illegal trade.Where floor traders violate provisions of laws, rules and regulations, the market operation administrators shall make prompt curbs, urge correction, report to the relevant administrative supervision department, and coordinate in investigation and handling thereof.

Article 25 (Dispute Settlement and Compensation)The market operation administrators shall institute the system concerning mediation and settlement of market trading disputes.The market operation administrators shall be encouraged to institute the system of giving consumers prioritized compensation. Where floor traders infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and the consumers are unable to get compensation from the floor traders, the market operation administrators are obligated to bear liability for compensation to consumers according to the provisions of market management system.The market operation administrators may, after bearing the compensation liability, recover the compensation paid from the floor traders that is held liable for the compensation.

Article 26 (Business Termination of Commodity Trading Markets)The market operation administrators, who stop the business or terminate the business for their own reasons, shall notify the floor traders one month in advance, and go through all relevant formalities of settling all financial affairs with the floor traders.Where major commodity trading markets that exercise planning management terminate their business, the market operation administrators shall report one month in advance to the administrative department in charge that has granted them the market operational rights.

Article 27 (Entrusting Market Management Services) The market operation administrators may entrust a professional market management service agency to conduct market management services.Where the professional market management service agency is entrusted to conduct market management services, the market operation administrators shall not be exempted from the market management obligation and legal liability that they should bear.

Article 28 (Trade Associations)The market operation administrators shall be encouraged to form trade associations of market operation management on a voluntary basis to exercise service, self-discipline and coordination for commodity trading markets.

Chapter IV Floor Traders

Article 29 (Doing Business According to Law)Floor traders shall do business according to law, observe the market management systems and uphold the market order conscientiously.

Article 30 (Showing Certificates while Doing Business)Floor traders shall put up at the conspicuous place their business license, tax registration certificate and operation permits of all kinds that should be acquired according to law.Peasants selling their self-produced edible farm produce, or persons of non-regular employment organization engaged in business activities in the marketplace are not subject to the provisions of the preceding clause, but they shall hold relevant certificates and do business within areas designated by the market operation administrators.

Article 31 (Business Scope)Floor traders shall conduct business activities according to the business scope authorized by the administrative department of industry and commerce, and shall not surpass the business scope.

Article 32 (Preservation of Stock-replenishing Vouchers)When floor traders purchase commodities, they shall inspect commodity quality and keep the original invoices and vouchers that can certify the source of goods, with the exception of peasants selling their self-produced edible farm produce.In respect of special sales of brand-name commodities, the floor traders shall ask the supplier for the authorization certificate.

Article 33 (Issuance of Purchasing Vouchers)When floor traders sell commodities, they shall, according to the relevant State provisions or commercial conventions, issue uniform invoices or other purchase vouchers printed under the supervision of this Municipality's taxation department to the commodity buyers.

Article 34 (Setting up Day-to-Day Accounts of Sales of Major Commodities)The floor traders who deal in the following commodities shall set up day-to-day accounts of purchase and sales:(1) Soya bean products, meat, grain and their products, electrical products and other commodities in close relation to human health and life safety;(2) Steel products, chemical raw materials, non-ferrous metals and other commodities that fall under the category of major means of production; and(3) Commodities with well-known trademarks or local famous trademarks.

Chapter V Legal Liability

Article 35 (Punishment for Unauthorized Establishment of Markets)Those who arbitrarily establish and operate commodity trading markets without registration shall be dealt with by the administrative department of industry and commerce according to relevant provisions of the"Company Law of the People's Republic of China"and the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration"or the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Corporation Registration".

Article 36 (Punishment for Surpassing Business Scope)The market operation administrators who surpass business scope shall be punished by the administrative department of industry and commerce according to the relevant provisions of the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Company Registration"or the"Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Corporation Registration".

Article 37 (Liability of Market Operation Administrators for Non-performance of Management Duties)The market operation administrators who fail to perform the following duties of market management shall be ordered by the administrative department of industry and commerce to correct within the prescribed time limit; those who refuse to correct shall be given warnings and may be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 5,000 yuan according to the seriousness of the case:(1) Failure to draw up the market management systems; and(2) Failure to put up a public notice board at a conspicuous place in the market.

Article 38 (Liability of Market Operation Administrators for Non-performance of Supervision Duties)The market operation administrators who violate the provisions of Article 19, Clause 1 of these Procedures and allow any organization or individual person that does not comply with the provisions of Article 30 of these Procedures to do business in the marketplace shall be given warning by the administrative department of industry and commerce, and shall be cumulatively penalized with a fine of between not less than 1,000 yuan and not more than 5,000 yuan.The market operation administrators who provide the floor traders that conduct illegal business with sites, storage, warehousing, transportation and other conditions, or who shield such traders in the form of connivance or concealment shall be penalized by the administrative department of industry and commerce with a fine of between not less than 5,000 yuan and not more than 10,000 yuan; those with a serious case shall be penalized with a fine of between not less than 10,000 yuan and not more than 20,000 yuan.

Article 39 (Legal Liability of Floor Traders)The floor traders who fail to perform the obligations provided by laws, rules and regulations shall be punished by the relevant administrative supervision department according to the provisions set by laws, rules and regulations.

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

Article 40 (Exception to the Application)Where there are special provisions provided by laws, rules and regulations on the administrative department, layout planning and establishment requirements and supervision functions of relevant commodity trading markets, such provisions shall prevail.These Procedures shall not apply to the business acts of the leasing counters of the commercial enterprises

Article 41 (Transition Clause for the Existing Markets)This Municipality's existing commodity trading markets shall, according to the requirements of these Procedures, make rectification within one year from the effective date of these Procedures.

Article 42 (Effective Date)These Procedures shall become effective on January 1, 2003.

