
汽车贸易政策 Automobile Trade Policy

分类: 法律英语 




第一章 总则

第一条 为建立统一、开放、竞争、有序的汽车市场,维护汽车消费者合法权益,推进我国汽车产业健康发展,促进消费,扩大内需,特制定本政策。

第二条 国家鼓励发展汽车贸易,引导汽车贸易业统筹规划,合理布局,调整结构,积极运用现代信息技术、物流技术和先进的经营模式,推进电子商务,提高汽车贸易水平,实现集约化、规模化、品牌化及多样化经营。

第三条 为创造公平竞争的汽车市场环境,发挥市场在资源配置中的基础性作用,坚持按社会主义市场经济规律,进一步引入竞争机制,扩大对内对外开放,打破地区封锁,促进汽车商品在全国范围内自由流通。

第四条 引导汽车贸易企业依法、诚信经营,保证商品质量和服务质量,为消费者提供满意的服务。

第五条 为提高我国汽车贸易整体水平,国家鼓励具有较强的经济实力、先进的商业经营管理经验和营销技术以及完善的国际销售网络的境外投资者投资汽车贸易领域。

第六条 充分发挥行业组织、认证机构、检测机构的桥梁纽带作用,建立和完善独立公正、规范运作的汽车贸易评估、咨询、认证、检测等中介服务体系,积极推进汽车贸易市场化进程。

第七条 积极建立、完善相关法规和制度,加快汽车贸易法制化建设。设立汽车贸易企业应当具备法律、行政法规规定的有关条件,国务院商务主管部门会同有关部门研究制定和完善汽车品牌销售、二手车流通、汽车配件流通、报废汽车回收等管理办法、规范及标准,依法管理、规范汽车贸易的经营行为,维护公平竞争的市场秩序。

第二章 政策目标

第八条 通过本政策的实施,基本实现汽车品牌销售和服务,形成多种经营主体与经营模式并存的二手车流通发展格局,汽车及二手车销售和售后服务功能完善、体系健全;汽车配件商品来源、质量和价格公开、透明,假冒伪劣配件商品得到有效遏制,报废汽车回收拆解率显著提高,形成良好的汽车贸易市场秩序。

第九条 到2010年,建立起与国际接轨并具有竞争优势的现代汽车贸易体系,拥有一批具有竞争实力的汽车贸易企业,贸易额有较大幅度增长,贸易水平显著提高,对外贸易能力明显增强,实现汽车贸易与汽车工业的协调发展。

第三章 汽车销售

第十条 境内外汽车生产企业凡在境内销售自产汽车的,应当尽快建立完善的汽车品牌销售和服务体系,确保消费者在购买和使用过程中得到良好的服务,维护其合法权益。汽车生产企业可以按国家有关规定自行投资或授权汽车总经销商建立品牌销售和服务体系。

第十一条 实施汽车品牌销售和服务。自2005年4月1日起,乘用车实行品牌销售和服务;自2006年12月1日起,除专用作业车外,所有汽车实行品牌销售和服务。


第十二条 汽车供应商应当制订汽车品牌销售和服务网络规划。为维护消费者的利益,汽车品牌销售和与其配套的配件供应、售后服务网点相距不得超过150公里。

第十三条 汽车供应商应当加强品牌销售和服务网络的管理,规范销售和服务,在国务院工商行政管理部门备案并向社会公布后,要定期向社会公布其授权和取消授权的汽车品牌销售和服务企业名单,对未经品牌授权或不具备经营条件的经销商不得提供汽车资源。汽车供应商有责任及时向社会公布停产车型,并采取积极措施在合理期限内保证配件供应。

第十四条 汽车供应商和经销商应当通过签订书面合同明确双方的权利和义务。汽车供应商要对经销商提供指导和技术支持,不得要求经销商接受不平等的合作条件,以及强行规定经销数量和进行搭售,不应随意解除与经销商的合作关系。

第十五条 汽车供应商应当按国家有关法律法规以及向消费者的承诺,承担汽车质量保证义务,提供售后服务。




第四章 二手车流通

第十六条 国家鼓励二手车流通。建立竞争机制,拓展流通渠道,支持有条件的汽车品牌经销商等经营主体经营二手车,以及在异地设立分支机构开展连锁经营。

第十七条 积极创造条件,简化二手车交易、转移登记手续,提高车辆合法性与安全性的查询效率,降低交易成本,统一规范交易发票;强化二手车质量管理,推动二手车经销商提供优质售后服务。

第十八条 加快二手车市场的培育和建设,引导二手车交易市场转变观念,强化市场管理,拓展市场服务功能。

第十九条 实施二手车自愿评估制度。除涉及国有资产的车辆外,二手车的交易价格由买卖双方商定,当事人可以自愿委托具有资格的二手车鉴定评估机构进行评估,供交易时参考。除法律、行政法规规定外,任何单位和部门不得强制或变相强制对交易车辆进行评估。

第二十条 积极规范二手车鉴定评估行为。二手车鉴定评估机构应当本着"客观、真实、公正、公开"的原则,依据国家有关法律法规,开展二手车鉴定评估经营活动,出具车辆鉴定评估报告,明确车辆技术状况(包括是否属事故车辆等内容)。

第二十一条 二手车经营、拍卖企业在销售、拍卖二手车时,应当向买方提供真实情况,不得有隐瞒和欺诈行为。所销售和拍卖的车辆必须具有机动车号牌、《机动车登记证书》、《机动车行驶证》、有效的机动车安全技术检验合格标志、车辆保险单和交纳税费凭证等。

第二十二条 二手车经营企业销售二手车时,应当向买方提供质量保证及售后服务承诺。在产品质量责任担保期内的,汽车供应商应当按国家有关法律法规以及向消费者的承诺,承担汽车质量保证和售后服务。

第二十三条 从事二手车拍卖和鉴定评估经营活动应当经省级商务主管部门核准。

第五章 汽车配件流通

第二十四条 国家鼓励汽车配件流通采取特许、连锁经营的方式向规模化、品牌化、网络化方向发展,支持配件流通企业进行整合,实现结构升级,提高规模效应及服务水平。

第二十五条 汽车及配件供应商和经销商应当加强质量管理,提高产品质量及服务质量。


第二十六条 汽车及配件供应商应当定期向社会公布认可和取消认可的特许汽车配件经销商名单。



第二十七条 加快规范报废汽车回用件流通,报废汽车回收拆解企业对按有关规定拆解的可出售配件,必须在配件的醒目位置标明"报废汽车回用件".

第六章 汽车报废与报废汽车回收

第二十八条 国家实施汽车强制报废制度。根据汽车安全技术状况和不同用途,修订现行汽车报废标准,规定不同的强制报废标准。


第二十九条 报废汽车所有人应当将报废汽车及时交售给具有合法资格的报废汽车回收拆解企业。

第三十条 地方商务主管部门要按《报废汽车回收管理办法》(国务院令第307号)的有关要求,对报废汽车回收拆解行业统筹规划,合理布局。



第三十一条 报废汽车回收拆解企业必须严格按国家有关法律、法规开展业务,及时拆解回收的报废汽车。拆解的发动机、前后桥、变速器、方向机、车架"五大总成"应当作为废钢铁,交售给钢铁企业作为冶炼原料。

第三十二条 各级商务主管部门要会同公安机关建立报废汽车回收管理信息交换制度,实现报废汽车回收过程实时控制,防止报废汽车及其"五大总成"流入社会。

第三十三条 为合理和有效利用资源,国家适时制定报废汽车回收利用的管理办法。

第三十四条 完善老旧汽车报废更新补贴资金管理办法,鼓励老旧汽车报废更新。

第三十五条 报废汽车回收拆解企业拆解的报废汽车零部件及其它废弃物、有害物(如油、液、电池、有害金属等)的存放、转运、处理等必须符合《环境保护法》、《大气污染防治法》等法律、法规的要求,确保安全、无污染(或使污染降至最低)。


第七章 汽车对外贸易

第三十六条 自2005年1月1日起,国家实施汽车自动进口许可管理,所有汽车进口口岸保税区不得存放以进入国内市场为目的的汽车。

第三十七条 国家禁止以任何贸易方式进口旧汽车及其总成、配件和右置方向盘汽车(用于开发出口产品的右置方向盘样车除外)。

第三十八条 进口汽车必须获得国家强制性产品认证证书,贴有认证标志,并须经检验检疫机构抽查检验合格,同时附有中文说明书。

第三十九条 禁止汽车及相关商品进口中的不公平贸易行为。国务院商务主管部门依法对汽车产业实施反倾销、反补贴和保障措施,组织有关行业协会建立和完善汽车产业损害预警系统,并开展汽车产业竞争力调查研究工作。汽车供应商和经销商有义务及时准确地向国务院有关部门提供相关信息。

第四十条 鼓励发展汽车及相关商品的对外贸易。支持培育和发展国家汽车及零部件出口基地,引导有条件的汽车供应商和经销商采取多种方式在国外建立合资、合作、独资销售及服务网络,优化出口商品结构,加大开拓国际市场的力度。

第四十一条 利用中央外贸发展基金支持汽车及相关商品对外贸易发展。

第四十二条 汽车及相关商品的出口供应商和经销商应当根据出口地区相关法规建立必要的销售和服务体系。

第四十三条 加强政府间磋商,支持汽车及相关商品出口供应商参与反倾销、反补贴和保障措施的应诉,维护我国汽车及相关商品出口供应商的合法权益。

第四十四条 汽车行业组织要加强行业自律,建立竞争有序的汽车及相关商品对外贸易秩序。

第八章 其他

第四十五条 设立外商投资汽车贸易企业,除符合相应的资质条件外,还应当符合外商投资有关法律法规,并经省级商务主管部门初审后报国务院商务主管部门审批。

第四十六条 加快发展和扩大汽车消费信贷,支持有条件的汽车供应商建立面向全行业的汽车金融公司,引导汽车金融机构与其他金融机构建立合作机制,使汽车消费信贷市场规模化、专业化程度显著提高,风险管理体系更加完善。

第四十七条 完善汽车保险市场,鼓励汽车保险品种向个性化与多样化方向发展,提高汽车保险服务水平,初步实现汽车保险业专业化、集约化经营。

第四十八条 各地政府制定的与汽车贸易相关的各种政策、制度和规定要符合本政策要求并做到公开、透明,不得对非本地生产和交易的汽车在流通、服务、使用等方面实施歧视政策,坚决制止强制或变相强制本地消费者购买本地生产汽车,以及以任何方式干预经营者选择国家许可生产、销售的汽车的行为。

第四十九条 本政策自发布之日起实施,由国务院商务主管部门负责解释。







Automobile Trade Policy

Minister Bo Xilai

Augest 10,2005

Automobile Trade Policy

Chapter I General Principles

Article 1 This policy is formulated for the purposes of establishing unified, open, competitive and regularly automobile market, safeguarding automobile consumers' legal rights and interests, giving impetus to healthy development of automobile industry in China, promoting consumption and expanding domestic demands.

Article 2 The state encourages enterprises to develop automobile trade, leads overall planning, reasonable arrangements and construction readjustment of automobile trade, make good use of modern information technology, logistic technology and advanced operation mode to promote electronic business, raise the level of automobile trade and realize operation of intensity, scale, brand and diversity.

Article 3 For the purposes of creating fair competition environment of automobile market, playing the basic role of the market in resource distribution, we should further introduce competitive mechanism according to economic law of socialist market, open widely to both inside and outside the country, break area blockade and promote nationwide free circulation of automobile products.

Article 4 Lead automobile trade enterprises to do business honestly in accordance with laws in order to ensure quality of commodities and services and offer satisfied services for the consumers.

Article 5 For the purposes of improving overall level of automobile trade in our country, the state encourages the investors abroad who have stronger economic strength, advanced commercial management experiences, marketing skills and perfect international marketing network to invest in automobile trade.

Article 6 Give full play to the bridge and link role of industrial organizations, attestation organs and inspection organs, establish and perfect independent and fair intermediary service system of automobile trade evaluation, consultation, attestation and monitoring that operates regularly, and push forward positively marketability process of automobile trade.

Article 7 Establish and perfect positively related laws, regulations and rules, quicken automobile trade construction of law. Establish related requirements that automobile trade enterprises should have stipulated by laws, administrative regulations. Competent commercial administrations of the State Council discuss, formulate and perfect management measures, specifications and standard on automobile brand sale, circulation of second-hand automobile and automobile fittings, and retrieval of scrapped automobiles. Manage and regulate operation activities in automobile trade in accordance with laws in order to safeguard market order of fair competition.

Chapter II Policy objective

Article 8 By implementing this policy, realize basically automobile brand sales and services, take the form of circulation structure of second-hand automobile that diversified business main bodies and business patterns coexist, have perfect functions and system of second-hand automobile sale and after-sale service. The source, quality and price of automobile fittings are open and transparent. Fake and inferior fittings are restrained effectively. The rate of retrieving and dismantling scrapped automobiles increases markedly and take the form of fine order of automobile trade market.

Article 9 By 2010 we will establish modern automobile trade system that gets integrated into the world trade and has competitive superiority, have numbers of automobile trade enterprises that have competitive strength. Volume of trade will increase greatly. Trade level will rise markedly, ability of trade to the foreign countries will be improved obviously. The coordinative development of automobile trade and automobile industry will be realized.

Chapter III Automobile sales

Article 10 Any automobile production enterprises inside and outside the country that sale automobiles produced by themselves inside the boundary should establish as soon as possible perfect automobile brand sale and service systems in order to ensure the consumers obtain good services while buying and using automobiles and safeguard their legal rights and interests. Automobile production enterprises may make investments or authorize automobile general distributors to establish brand sale and service systems on their own in accordance with related national regulations.

Article 11 Carry out sales and services of automobile brand. Since April 1, 2004, brand sales and services are carried out for passenger automobiles. As of December 1, 2006 brand sales and services are carried out for all automobiles except for special operation automobiles.

Whoever is engaged in automobile brand marketing should obtain first the authorization by automobile production enterprises or their authorized automobile general distributors. Distributors of automobiles (including second-hand automobiles) should be engaged in automobile business within business scope approved by industrial and commercial administrations.

Article 12 Automobile suppliers should draw up a plan of sales of automobile brand and service network. For the purposes of safeguarding the consumers' rights and interests, the distance between automobile brand sale network and necessary fitting supply network and after-sale service network must not be exceed 150 km.

Article 13 Automobile suppliers should strengthen the management of brand sale and service network in order to regulate the sale and service. Publish to the society regularly the name list of the enterprises of automobile brand sale and service that are given and cancelled authorization after the registration in industrial and commercial administration of the State Council and the publication to the society. Automobile resource must not be supplied to the distributors that have not been authorized or do not satisfy business requirements. Automobile suppliers have the responsibility to publish to the society in time type of automobiles that are not produced and take positive measures to ensure fitting supply within reasonable term.

Article 14 Automobile suppliers and distributors should clarify the rights and duties of both sides by signing a written contract. Automobile suppliers should provide guidance and technical support to the distributors, must not ask the distributors to accept unfair cooperative requirements and stipulate distributing numbers or package sale without the consent of distributor, should not terminate freely the cooperation relations with the distributors.

Article 15 Automobile suppliers should undertake the duty of automobile quality guarantee and provide after-sale service according to national laws and regulations and their promise to the consumers.

Automobile distributors should make clear to the consumers in business places their promise of automobile quality guarantee and after-sale service, provide corresponding after-sale service in accordance with the agreements of authorized business contract and the requirements of service standard.

Automobile suppliers and distributors must not supply and sale the automobiles that do not meet with the requirements of national safety and technical standard of automobiles, do not obtain mandatory product attestation of the state, and are not listed into Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Production Enterprises and Products. The imported automobiles that do not pass the inspection in accordance with the Law on Inspection of Import and Export Commodities of the People's Republic of China and the implementing regulations must not be sold and used.

Chapter IV Circulation of second-hand automobiles

Article 16 The state encourages the circulation of second-hand automobiles. Establish competition mechanism, develop circulation channels, support the automobile brand distributors and other operation main bodies that meet with corresponding requirements to deal with second-hand automobiles and establish branches to do linkage business far from home.

Article 17 Create good conditions positively, simple registration formalities of marketing or transferring second-hand automobiles, raise consultation efficiency of the lawfulness and safety of the automobiles. Reduce marketing cost, regular uniformly marketing invoice. Tighten the quality management of second-hand automobiles, push the distributors of second-hand automobiles forward to provide high quality service after sale.

Article 18 Quicken the construction of second-hand automobile market, lead the distributors in second-hand automobile market to change their opinions and tighten market management and develop market service functions.

Article 19 Implement free evaluation system of second-hand automobiles. Except for the automobiles relating to state property. The price of second-hand automobile is decided by the buyer and seller together through discussion. The persons concerned may authorize at their own will the second-hand evaluation organs to make evaluations for the reference. Any enterprise and department must not make mandatory evaluation to the automobiles or in disguised form of mandate.

Article 20 Regulate positively appraisal and evaluation activities of second-hand automobiles. Appraisal and evaluation organs of second-hand automobiles should be engaged in appraisal and evaluation of second-hand automobile, issue automobile appraisal and evaluation report, specify the technical conditions of the automobile (including the content whether the automobile is an accident one).

Article 21 Marketing and auction enterprises of second-hand automobiles should provide true information to the buyers and must not cover up anything or have any deceitful activities while selling and auctioning second-hand automobiles. The sold or auctioned automobiles must have automobile number plate, Registration Certificate of Automobile, Driving License of Automobile, effective marks of automobile safety and technical inspection, automobile insurance policy and the evidence of paying tax.

Article 22 When second-hand automobile operation enterprises sale second-hand automobiles, they should provide the promise of quality guarantee and after-sale service. If the automobile is within the term of product quality guarantee, automobile suppliers should undertake quality guarantee and after-sale service in accordance with related national laws and regulations and their promise to the consumers.

Article 23 The activities engaged in the auction, appraisal and evaluation of second-hand automobile should be approved by provincial competent commercial administrations.

Chapter V Circulation of automobile fittings

Article 24 The state encourages the circulation of automobile fittings develop to the direction of large-scale, branding and network in the forms of special permission and linkage business, supports fitting circulation enterprises to make integration in order to realize the structure promotion and raise scale effect and service level.

Article 25 The suppliers and distributors of automobile and fittings should strengthen quality management and improve the quality of the products and service.

The suppliers and distributors of automobile and fittings should not supply and sell automobile fittings that do not meet with the requirements of national laws, administrative regulations, mandatory standard and mandatory product attestation.

Article 26 The suppliers of automobile and fittings should publish to the society regularly the name list of special permitted distributors of automobile fittings that are approved or cancelled.

The distributors of automobile fittings should clarify the name, production factories, price of automobile fittings and other automobile products they are dealing with, and make clear separately the fittings in original factories, the fittings approved by automobile production enterprises, retrieved and revamped fittings of scrapped automobiles. The product marks of automobile fittings should meet with the requirements of Product Quality Law.

Article 27 Regulate quickly circulation of retrieved fittings of scrapped automobiles. The enterprises of retrieving and dismantling scrapped automobiles must write down "retrieved fittings of scrapped automobiles" on marked position of the fittings that are dismantled and may be sold by them in accordance with related regulations.

Chapter VI Automobile scrapping and retrieving of scrapped automobile

Article 28 The state implements mandatory automobile scrapping system. Revise current automobile scrapping standard, stipulate different mandatory scrapping standard according to safety and technical conditions and different uses of the automobiles.

Article 29 The owner of scrapped automobile should sell in time the scrapped automobile to the enterprises of retrieving and dismantling scrapped automobiles that have legal qualifications.

Article 30 Local competent commercial administrations should make overall arrangement and reasonable distribution to the industry of retrieving and dismantling automobiles in accordance with related requirements of Management Measures on Retrieving Scrapped Automobiles (Decree No. 307 of the State Council).

Anyone who is engaged in the business of retrieving and dismantling scrapped automobiles should meet with related requirements stipulated by laws and regulations. Commercial administration of the State Council should make an announcement to the society about the enterprises of retrieving and dismantling automobiles that meet with the requirements.

Article 31 The enterprises of retrieving and dismantling automobiles should develop business strictly in accordance with national laws and regulations, dismantling scrapped automobiles in time. The five big assembly, dismantled engines, front and back bridges, speeder, direction gear and chassis, should be sold to iron and steel enterprises as wasted iron and steel for smelt materials.

Article 32 Competent commercial administrations at all levels should establish information exchanging rules of retrieving and managing scrapped automobiles in order to realize real time control of scrapped automobiles while retrieving and avoid scrapped automobiles and their "five big assembly" flowing into the society.

Article 33 For the purposes of making use of resources reasonably and effectively, the state makes management measures on retrieving and using of scrapped automobiles timely.

Article 34 Perfect management measures on subsidized funds to scrapped automobile retrieving and dismantling in order to encourage the scrapping and replacing of old automobiles.

Article 35 The storage, transfer and handling of the fittings and other wasted materials, harmful materials (such as oil, liquid, battery, harmful metal and others) of scrapped automobiles retrieved and dismantled by scrapped automobile retrieving and dismantling enterprises must meet with the requirements of Environment Protection Law, Atmosphere Pollution Prevention Law and other related laws and regulations to ensure safety and no pollution (or minimum pollution).

Chapter VII Automobile trade to foreign countries

Article 36 The state carries out automatic automobile import management, all bonded zones of automobile import port must not store the automobiles for the purpose of entering domestic market.

Article 37 The state prohibits any import of old automobiles, their assembly, fittings and the automobiles with right steering wheel in any ways (except for the model automobile with right steering wheel used for developing exported products).

Article 38 Imported automobiles must have national mandatory product attestation certificate with attestation marks, and pass the selective inspection made by inspection and quarantine organ, and a guidebook in Chinese should be enclosed.

Article 39 Unfair trade activities in import of automobiles and corresponding commodities are prohibited. The competent commercial administration of the State Council takes measures of anti dumping, anti subsidy and safeguarding on automobile industry, organize related industrial associations to establish and perfect alarm system of automobile industry injury, study and research the competitive strength of automobile industry. Automobile suppliers and distributors have the duty to provide related information to the department concerned of the State Council.

Article 40 Encourage to develop trade of automobiles and corresponding commodities to foreign countries. Support to develop export bases of national automobiles and fittings, lead automobile suppliers and distributors that satisfy the qualifications to establish sale and service network of joint venture, cooperative and single proprietorship in variety forms, optimize the structure of exported commodities, and strengthen the development of international market.

Article 41 Make use of central foreign trade development funds to support the development of automobile and corresponding commodities to foreign countries.

Article 42 The suppliers and distributors of exporting automobiles and corresponding commodities should establish necessary sale and service systems in accordance with related laws and regulations in export area

Article 43 Strengthen the consultation between the governments, support the export suppliers of automobiles and corresponding commodities to take part in responding to the appeals of anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguarding measures in order to safeguard legal rights and interests of export suppliers of automobiles and corresponding commodities in our country.

Article 44 Automobile industry organizations should strengthen industry self-discipline and establish foreign trade order of automobiles and corresponding commodities with regularly competition.

Chapter VIII Others

Article 45 Establishing foreign invested automobile trade enterprises should meet with related laws and regulations of foreign investment and report to commercial administration of the State Council for approval after preliminary examination of provincial competent commercial administrations.

Article 46 Develop and expand the credit of automobile consumption rapidly, support automobile suppliers that have qualifications to establish automobile financial companies facing all industries, lead automobile financial organs to establish cooperation mechanism in order to raise markedly the level of scale and specialization of automobile consumption credit market, and perfect risk management system.

Article 47 Perfect automobile insurance market, encourage variety of automobile insurance develop to the direction of individuality and diversification, raise service level of automobile insurance, realize preliminarily specialized and intensive management of automobile insurance.

Article 48 All policies, rules and regulations made by all local governments should meet with the requirements of this policy and be open and transparent, must not implement discriminative policy to the automobiles that are not produced and marketed in local area in circulation, service and use. Prevent rigorously the activities that force or force in disguised form local consumers to buy local produced automobiles and interfere in local consumers choosing the automobiles produced and sold by the approval of the state in any ways.

Article 49 This policy is implemented as of the publication day and the interpretation of this policy is vested in competent commercial administration of the State Council

