

分类: 法律英语 


第一条 为推广散装水泥和预拌混凝土的使用,节约资源,减少环境污染,保障建设工程质量,根据《行政许可法》,结合本省实际,制定本规定。

第二条 本省行政区域内建设工程项目使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土的行政许可,适用本规定。

第三条 省、市、县建设行政主管部门负责本辖区建设工程项目使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土的管理工作。


第四条 设市城市的城区、县城区、中心镇镇区、开发区、珠江三角洲建制镇的建设工程项目和本省行政区域内的交通、能源、水利、港口等建设工程项目,禁止使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土。


第五条 办理行政许可应当符合下列情形之一:




第六条 施工企业申请办理行政许可的,应当向建设工程项目所在地县或者市级人民政府主管机构提出,并提交以下材料:





第七条 同一建设项目使用袋装水泥和现场搅拌混凝土的行政许可与该建设工程施工许可证有效期相同。因第五条许可的情形之一发生变化的,主管机构应当终止许可。

第八条 省人民政府可根据本规定制订实施细则。

第九条 本规定自公布之日起施行。

Administrative Permission Regulations of Guangdong Province on Bag Cement and Spot Mixed Concrete for Construction Project Released by People's Congress of Guangdong Province

Article 1. For the purposes of promoting use of bulk cement and pre-mixed concrete, saving resources, eliminating pollutions and guaranteeing quality of projects, the regulations are stipulated in accordance with Administrative Permission Law and practices of Guangding province.

Article 2. The regulations only apply for administrative permission of bag cement and spot mixed concrete used for construction projects in the district of Guangdong province.

Article 3. The province, municipal, counties administrative construction departments are responsible for the administration on bag cement and spot mixed concrete used for construction projects in respective district.

Administrative offices of bulk cement at different levels (hereinafter referred to as "administrative organs") are responsible for specific operation of administrative permission of use of bag cement and spot mixed concrete.

Article 4. Bag cement and spot mixed concrete are forbidden to be used in construction projects in the city zone, county zone, center township, open economic zone, zhujiang delta, and all projects of transportation, energy, irrigation works and open port in the territory of the whole province.

Construction enterprises may go through formalities of administrative permission of bag cement and spot mixed cement in case the total architectural acreage of the projects of laying, plastering, and fitment and ornament is larger than 300 square meter, or the total gross of concrete is more than 10 cubic meter.

Article 5. One of the following cases should be satisfied for administrative permission:

(1). Special transport cannot arrive at construction spot because of transportation conditions.

(2). There are no supplies of pre-mixed concrete within 30 km of construction spot.

(3). Special reasons such as use of concrete of special types.

Article 6. Construction enterprises applying for administrative permission should put forward to the people's government of the county or city where the construction projects are located. The following materials are required also:

(1). Applying report of the construction and construction enterprises.

(2). Copy of construction license.

(3). Copy of operation license and qualification certificate of construction enterprise.

Administrative organs should decide whether to authorize administrative permission or not within 5 working days after receiving application.

Article 7. Duration of the administrative permission of bag cement and spot mixed concrete may be same with that of construction license; however, administrative organs should terminate administrative permission in case any of the conditions in article 5 happens.

Article 8. The provincial people's government of may stipulate detailed regulations in line with the regulations.

Article 9. The regulations take effect as from announcement

