

分类: 法律英语 

部长 孙家正



第一章 总则

第一条 根据《营业性演出管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),制定本实施细则。

第二条 《条例》所称演出的范围包括音乐、戏剧、舞蹈、杂技、魔术、马戏、曲艺、木偶、皮影、朗诵、民间文艺以及其他形式的现场文艺表演活动。

第三条 《条例》所称营业性演出是指以营利为目的、通过下列方式为公众举办的演出活动:






第四条 国家依法维护营业性演出单位、演职员和观众等各方当事人的合法权益,禁止营业性演出中的不正当竞争行为。

第二章 营业性演出经营主体

第五条 文艺表演团体是指具备《条例》第六条第一款规定条件,从事各类文艺表演活动的经营单位。


第六条 演出经纪机构是指具备《条例》第六条第二款规定条件,从事演出经营活动和经纪活动的经营单位。

第七条 演出场所经营单位是指具备《条例》第八条规定条件,为营业性演出活动提供专业演出场地和相关服务的经营单位。

第八条 个体演员是指具备《条例》第十条规定条件,以演出为职业,在工商行政管理部门领取营业执照并在文化主管部门备案的表演人员。


第九条 申请设立文艺表演团体,应当向文化主管部门提交下列文件:












第十条 申请设立演出经纪机构,应当向文化主管部门提交下列文件:







第十一条 依法取得营业执照的演出场所经营单位、个体演员、个体演出经纪人向所在地县级文化主管部门备案,县级文化主管部门应当出具备案证明。备案证明式样由文化部设计,省级文化主管部门按照文化部的设计要求印制。

第十二条 申请设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出经纪机构,除了提交本实施细则第十条规定的文件外,还应当提交下列文件:







第十三条 申请设立中外合资经营、中外合作经营的演出场所经营单位,应当提交下列文件:










第十四条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构经批准可以在内地设立分支机构,分支机构不具有企业法人资格。



第十五条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的演出经纪机构申请在内地设立分支机构,应当提交下列文件:










第十六条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区的投资者申请在内地设立独资经营的演出场所经营单位,应当提交下列文件:








第十七条 香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区投资者申请在内地设立合资、合作经营的演出经纪机构或者演出场所经营单位,参照本实施细则第十二条第一款、第十三条第一款的规定办理。


第十八条 依照《条例》第十二条、第十三条规定设立合资、合作、独资的演出经营主体或者分支机构的,在取得文化部颁发的营业性演出许可证后,应当持许可证通过所在地省级商务主管部门向商务部提出申请,办理有关手续,并依法到工商行政管理部门办理注册登记,领取营业执照。

第三章 演出管理

第十九条 申请举办营业性演出,应当在演出日期3日前将申请材料提交负责审批的文化主管部门。


第二十条 申请举办营业性演出,应当持营业性演出许可证或者营业执照,向文化主管部门提交符合《条例》第十七条规定的文件。



第二十一条 申请举办营业性涉外或者涉港澳台演出,还应当提交下列文件:






第二十二条 申请举办营业性涉外演出,在非歌舞娱乐场所进行的,应当通过演出所在地省级文化主管部门向文化部提出申请,省级文化主管部门应当在5日内出具审核意见报文化部审批。



第二十三条 营业性演出经营主体举办营业性演出,应当履行下列义务:







第二十四条 举办营业性涉外或者涉港澳台演出,举办单位应当负责统一办理外国或者港澳台文艺表演团体、个人的入出境手续,巡回演出的还要负责其全程联络和节目安排。

第二十五条 文艺表演团体的专职演员、专业艺术院校的师生可以参加由文艺表演团体、演出经纪机构、演出场所经营单位举办的营业性演出,但不得自行举办营业性演出。

第二十六条 邀请文艺表演团体的专职演员、专业艺术院校的师生参加营业性演出或者文艺表演团体的专职演员、专业艺术院校的师生参加本单位以外的营业性演出,应当征得其所在单位同意并签订合同。

第二十七条 专业艺术院校经批准邀请到本单位从事教学、研究工作的外国或者港澳台艺术专业人员,临时需要进行营业性演出的,应当委托演出经纪机构承办,按规定程序报文化部或者省级文化主管部门审批。

第二十八条 营业性演出不得以假唱、假演奏等手段欺骗观众。


第二十九条 举办募捐义演,应当按照《条例》和本实施细则的规定办理审批手续。






第三十条 营业性演出活动的投资单位,可以依法享有演出的冠名权,并依照合同约定享有演出收入分配权。

第三十一条 举办营业性演出,应当根据舞台设计要求,优先选用境内演出器材。

第三十二条 歌舞娱乐场所、体育场馆、宾馆、饭店、餐饮场所和其他非演出场所经营单位需要在本场所内举办营业性演出的,应当委托演出经纪机构承办,并依照规定程序报文化主管部门审批。

第三十三条 营业性演出活动经批准后方可出售门票。

第三十四条 文化主管部门对体现民族特色和国家水准的演出,应当依照有关规定给予补助和支持。


第三十五条 各级文化主管部门应当将营业性演出的审批事项向社会公布。

第三十六条 各级文化主管部门应当根据演出管理工作需要,建立演出信息报送制度、演出市场巡查责任制度、演出经营主体基本信息公布制度,加强对演出市场的管理和监督。

第三十七条 演出行业协会是演出单位和演出从业人员的自律性组织。演出行业协会会员按照演出行业协会章程,享有章程赋予的权利,履行章程规定的义务。


第三十八条 演出行业协会应当依照章程的规定,履行下列职责:






第三十九条 全国性的演出行业协会组织实施演出经纪人员的资格认定工作,并委托省级演出行业协会或者省级文化主管部门认可的其他组织进行培训及有关工作。

第四章 演出证管理

第四十条 文艺表演团体和演出经纪机构的营业性演出许可证包括1份正本和2份副本,正本应当悬挂在主要办公场所的醒目位置。


第四十一条 依法取得营业性演出许可证的文艺表演团体和演出经纪机构,应当在90日内将工商行政管理部门核发的营业执照副本报发证的文化主管部门备案。

第四十二条 文化主管部门吊销文艺表演团体或者演出经纪机构的营业性演出许可证,应当通知工商行政管理部门变更经营范围或者吊销其营业执照。


第四十三条 吊销、注销文艺表演团体营业性演出许可证的,应当报省级文化主管部门备案。吊销、注销演出经纪机构营业性演出许可证的,应当报文化部备案。

第四十四条 各级文化主管部门应当建立文艺表演团体和演出经纪机构发证登记档案制度,演出场所、个体演员和个体演出经纪人登记备案制度。

第四十五条 文化主管部门对文艺表演团体和演出经纪机构实施行政处罚的,应当将处罚决定记录在营业性演出许可证副本上并加盖处罚机关公章,同时将处罚决定通知发证机关。

第五章 罚则

第四十六条 违反本实施细则第二十条的规定,未在演出日期1日前向负责审批演出的文化主管部门提交《条例》第二十一条规定的依法验收后取得的演出场所合格证明而举办临时搭建舞台、看台的营业性演出的,由县级文化主管部门依照《条例》第四十四条的规定给予处罚。

第四十七条 违反本实施细则第二十三条、第二十四条规定,在演出经营活动中,不履行应尽义务,倒卖、转让演出活动经营权的,依照《条例》第四十五条规定给予处罚。

第四十八条 违反本实施细则第二十五条规定,文艺表演团体的专职演员、专业艺术院校的师生擅自举办营业性演出的,由县级文化主管部门依照《条例》第四十三条规定给予处罚。

第四十九条 违反本实施细则第二十六条规定,邀请文艺表演团体的专职演员、专业艺术院校的师生参加营业性演出,未征得其所在单位同意的,由县级文化主管部门给予警告,并处1万元以上3万元以下罚款。

第五十条 违反本实施细则第二十七条规定,经批准邀请到专业艺术院校从事教学、研究工作的外国或者港澳台艺术专业人员擅自从事营业性演出的,由县级文化主管部门依照《条例》第四十三条规定给予处罚。

第五十一条 以假演奏等手段欺骗观众的,依照《条例》第四十七条的规定给予处罚。

第五十二条 违反本实施细则第二十九条规定,未按规定办理审批手续,擅自举办募捐义演或者其他公益性演出的,依照《条例》第四十三条规定给予处罚。

第五十三条 违反本实施细则第三十二条规定,非演出场所经营单位擅自举办演出的,依照《条例》第四十三条规定给予处罚。

第五十四条 违反本实施细则第三十三条规定,未经批准,擅自出售演出门票的,由县级文化主管部门责令停止违法活动,并处1万元以上3万元以下罚款。

第五十五条 申请举办营业性涉外或者涉港澳台演出时,隐瞒近两年内违反《条例》规定的记录,提交虚假书面声明的,由负责审批的文化主管部门处以3万元罚款。

第六章 附则

第五十六条 本实施细则由文化部负责解释。

第五十七条 本实施细则自2005年9月1日起施行,2004年7月1日发布的《营业性演出管理条例实施细则》同时废止。

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance
Order of the Ministry of Culture
(No. 34)

The Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance, which were adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Culture upon deliberation on August 25, 2005, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of September 1, 2005.

Minister Sun Jiazheng

August 30, 2005

Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance

Chapter I General Provisions

Article 1 The present Detailed Rules for the Implementation are formulated according to the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation).

Article 2 The term "performance" as mentioned in the Regulation includes live show artistic-cultural performance activities such as music, drama, dance, acrobatics, magic, circus, quyi, puppet, shadow play, recitation, fork art and any other form.

Article 3 The term "commercial performances" as mentioned in the Regulation refers to the performance activities as held by the following ways for the purpose of making profits:

(1) Selling tickets or making block booking;

(2) Paying or remunerating the performance entities or individuals;

(3) Using the performance as a medium for advertising publicity or sales promotion of products;

(4) Being sponsored or donated; and

(5) Organizing performance in any other profit-making form.

Article 4 The state shall protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties such as commercial performance entities, performers and audience, and shall prohibit any unfair competition in commercial performance.

Chapter II Operational Subjects of Commercial Performance

Article 5 The term "commercial artistic-cultural performance groups" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as prescribed in paragraph 1 of Article 6 of the Regulation and undertake various kinds of live show artistic-cultural performance activities.

Article 6 The term "performance brokerage institutions" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as prescribed in paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Regulation and undertake business operations of performances as well as performance brokerage.

Article 7 The term "business entities of commercial performance places" refers to the business entities that meet the requirements as mentioned in Article 8 of the Regulation and provide places and relevant services for professional activities of commercial performances and the relevant services.

Article 8 The term "self-employed performers" refers to performers who meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 10 of the Regulation and engage in performance and who have obtained the business license of the administrative department of industry and commerce and have handled the formalities of archival filing in the administrative department of culture.

The term "self-employed performance brokers" refers to the brokers that meet the requirements as prescribed in Article 10 of the Regulation and engage in the activities such as intermediary and agency for commercial performance and who have obtained the business license in the administrative department of industry and commerce and have handled the formalities of archival filing in the administrative department of culture.

Article 9 Anyone who applies for the establishment of an artistic-cultural performance group shall submit the following documents to the administrative department of culture:

(1) An application;

(2) The Notice on the Advance Approval for the Name of an Artistic-cultural Performance Group, domicile and the type of art as engaged in;

(3) The identity certification of the legal representative or the person-in-charge;

(4) The certification of performers' ability of art performance; and

(5) The purchase of performance facilities and equipment or the relevant fund certification.

The term "certification of performers' ability of art performance" as mentioned in item (4) of the preceding paragraph may be any of the following documents:

(1) The graduation certification of the major of art performance as issued by an art school above the medium level (including art major in a comprehensive college or university);

(2) The certification of post title;

(3) The written certification as produced by an art college or university;

(4) The effective certificate as issued or the written certification as produced by the performance industrial association; or

(5) Any other effective certificate.

Article 10 Anyone who applies for the establishment of a performance brokerage institution shall submit the following documents to the administrative department of culture:

(1) An Application;

(2) The Notice on the Advance Approval for the Name of a Performance Brokerage Institution and the domicile thererof;

(3) The identity certification of the legal representative or the person-in-charge;

(4) The qualification certification of performance brokers; and

(5) The certification of funds.

The measures for the qualification accreditation of performance brokers as mentioned in item (4) of the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the national performance industrial association.

Article 11 A business entity of performance places, self-employed performer or individual performance broker that has obtained its/his business license according to law shall handle the formalities for archival filing in the local administrative department of culture at the county level, which shall produce the certification of archival filing. The specimen of archival certificate shall be designed by the Ministry of Culture and shall be printed by the administrative department of culture at the provincial level according to the designing requirements of the Ministry of Culture.

Article 12 Anyone who applies for the establishment of a Sino-foreign joint venture or Sino-foreign contractual performance brokerage institution shall, in addition to submitting the documents as prescribed in Article 10 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation, submit the following documents:

(1) The feasibility research report, contract and constitution;

(2) The credit certification of all parties to the joint-venture or contractual performance brokerage institution as well as the documents of registration;

(3) The relevant documents on the asset appraisal which is, according to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, carried out for any state-owned asset in the form of investment or cooperative requirements as provided by the Chinese party to the joint venture or contractual brokerage institution;

(4) The name list of the candidates of the chairman of the board of directors, deputy chairman of the board of directors, directors or the director, deputy director, members of the joint managerial committee as well as the identity certification thereof; and

(5) Any other document as required to be submitted according to law.

The chairman of the board of directors of or the director of the joint managerial committee of a joint venture or contractual brokerage institution of performance shall be assumed by Chinese representative and the Chinese representatives shall constitute a majority number of the board of directors or the joint managerial committee.

Article 13 Anyone who applies for the establishment of a Sino-foreign joint venture or Sino-foreign contractual business entity of performance places shall submit the following documents:

(1) An Application;

(2) The Notice of the Advance Approval for the Name of a Business Entity of Performance Places and the domicile thereof;

(3) A feasibility research report, contract and constitution;

(4) The credit certification of all parties to the joint venture or contractual performance brokerage institution as well as the documents of registration;

(5) The relevant documents on the asset appraisal which is, according to the provisions of the relevant laws and regulations, carried out for any state-owned asset in the form of investment or cooperative requirements as provided by the Chinese party to the joint venture or contractual brokerage institution;

(6) The name list of the candidates of the chairman of the board of directors, deputy chairman of the board of directors, directors or the director, deputy director, members of the joint managerial committee as well as the identity certification thereof;

(7) The certification of the land use right or the leasing certification;

(8) Any other document as required to be submitted according to law.

The chairman of the board of directors of or the director of the joint managerial committee of a joint venture or contractual business entity of performance places shall be assumed by Chinese representative and the Chinese representatives shall constitute a majority number of the board of directors or the joint managerial committee.

Article 14 A performance brokerage institution of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region may, upon approval, set up branches in the mainland and its branches as set up shall not have the status of enterprise legal-person.

A branch as set up in the mainland by a performance brokerage institution of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region may undertake the intermediary or agent activities of commercial performance according to law but shall not engage in any other business operation concerning performance. A performance brokerage institution of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region shall bear the civil liabilities for the business operations of its branches.

A performance brokerage institution of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region that establishes any branch in the mainland shall designate the person-in-charge of the said branch in the mainland and shall appropriate the relevant funds to the branch for the relevant business operations.

Article 15 A performance brokerage institution of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region that applies for establishing a branch in the mainland shall submit the following documents:

(1) An application;

(2) The name and domicile of the branch;

(3) The certification of legal business of the performance brokerage institution in Hong Kong and Macao;

(4) The constitution of the performance brokerage institution as well as its branch;

(5) The appointment letter of the person-in-charge of the branch and the identity certification thereof;

(6) The qualification certification of the practitioners in performance brokerage;

(7) The fund certification of the performance brokerage institution and the amount of the fund as allocated to its branch for business operations as well as the certification on the term thereof; and

(8) Any other document as required to be submitted.

The qualification accreditation of performance brokers as mentioned in item (6) of the preceding paragraph shall be implemented according to paragraph 2 of Article 10 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation.

Article 16 An investor of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region who applies for establishing any sole-capital business entity of performance places in the mainland shall submit the following documents:

(1) An application;

(2) The Notice on the Advance Approval of the Name of a Business Entity of Performance Places and the domicile thereof;

(3) A feasibility research report and constitution;

(4) The qualification of the investor and legal representative and the identity certification;

(5) The source, amount and term of contributed capital and the certification thereof;

(6) The certification of land use right or leasing certification; and

(7) Any other document as required to be submitted according to law.

Article 17 An investor of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region or Macao Special Administrative Region who applies for establishing a joint-venture or contractual performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance places in the mainland shall handle it by referring to paragraph 1 of Article 12 and paragraph 1 of Article 13 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation.

A Taiwan investor who applies for establishing a joint-venture or contractual performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance places in the mainland shall handle it by referring to Articles 12 and 13 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation.

Article 18 Anyone that has established a joint-venture, contractual or sole-capital business entity of performance or any branch according to the provisions of Articles 12 and 13 of the Regulation shall, after obtaining the commercial performance license as issued by the Ministry of Culture, file an application with the Ministry of Commerce through the local administrative department of commerce at the provincial level upon the strength of the said license, handle the relevant formalities and shall go to the administrative department of industry and commerce to handle the formalities of registration and collect the business license.

Chapter III Performance Administration

Article 19 Anyone that applies for holding commercial performance shall, 3 days before the performance, submit the application materials to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval thereof.

Anyone that applies for holding any foreign-related commercial performance or any commercial performance relating to Hong Kong or Macao shall, 20 days before the performance, submit the application materials to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval.

Article 20 Anyone who applies for holding any commercial performance shall submit the documents as prescribed by Article 17 of the Regulation to the administrative department of culture upon the strength of the commercial performance license or the business license thereof.

Anyone that applies for any commercial performance using the stage or stand as temporarily built up shall submit the documents that comply with the provisions of items (2) and (3) of Article 21 of the Regulation. For any performance as approved, the sponsoring entity thereof shall, 1 day before the performance submit the documents as prescribed in item (1) of Article 21 of the Regulation to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval. In the case of any failure to comply with the prescribed requirements, the performance shall not be held.

An application for any commercial performance that requires the attendance of minors shall comply with the provisions of the state.

Article 21 Any entity that applies for sponsoring any foreign-related commercial performance or any commercial performance relating to Hong Kong or Macao shall also submit the following documents:

(1) A Plan of Fund Allocation and the relevant fund certification thereof;

(2) Photocopies of the effective identity certification of performers; and

(3) A written statement of abiding by the provisions of the Regulation within the recent 2 years.

The term "fund certification" as mentioned in item (1) of the preceding paragraph refers to the deposit certification of the basic deposit account of the current month as produced by the opening bank of the applicant entity or the certification that such financial institutions as a bank approve a loan or the certification of any other entity's approval for loans, investment, guaranty and support as well as the deposit certification of the basic deposit account of the current month as produced by the opening bank of the said entity.

The administrative department of culture shall carry out the examination and approval of the foreign-related commercial performance or commercial performance relating to Hong Kong or Macao and may, when necessary, organize experts to carry out demonstration according to law.

Article 22 Anyone who applies for holding any foreign-related commercial performance in any non-singing-or-dancing entertainment place shall file an application with the Ministry of Culture through the local administrative department of culture at the provincial level, which shall produce the opinions on the examination and report it to the Ministry of Culture for examination and approval within 5 days.

For any across-province performance, the examination opinion of the administrative department of culture at the provincial level where the performance is held shall be provided.

In the case of any different provision of the state, it shall prevail.

Article 23 A business entity of commercial performance that holds any commercial performance shall perform the following obligations:

(1) Handling the application formalities for the performance;

(2) Arranging the performance program;

(3) Determining the price and taking charge of the settlement of the payment and expenditure of the performance;

(4) Paying or fulfilling the withholding obligation of taxes and fees;

(5) Accepting the supervision and administration of the administrative department of culture where the performance is held with self-consciousness; and

(6) Performing any other obligation as required according to law.

Article 24 For any foreign-related commercial performance or any commercial performance relating to Hong Kong or Macao, the sponsor shall take charge of the uniform handling of the formalities for entry and exit of all the artistic-cultural performance groups and individuals from foreign countries as well as those from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. As for a tour performance activity, it shall be responsible for the communications and program arrangements of the entire journey as well.

Article 25 The professional performers of an artistic-cultural performance group and the teachers and students of a professional art college or university may participate in the commercial performance as held by any artistic-cultural performance group, performance brokerage institution or business entity of performance places but shall not unlawfully hold any commercial performance by themselves.

Article 26 Where a professional performer of an artistic-cultural performance group or any teacher or student of a professional art college or university is invited to participate in any commercial performance or a professional performer of an artistic-cultural performance group or any teacher or student of a professional art college or university participates in any commercial performance that is not held by his/her entity, he/she shall solicit the consent of the entity where he/she works and conclude a contract.

Article 27 Where a professional artistic performer from a foreign country or Hong Kong or Macao who is invited by a professional art college or university to engage in teaching and research requires to participate in any commercial performance temporarily, he/she shall entrust a performance brokerage institution to handle it and shall report it to the Ministry of Culture or the administrative department of culture at the provincial level for examination and approval according to the prescribed procedures.

Article 28 No performer may cheat the audience by such means as lip-synching or fraudulent performance in a commercial performance.

The term "lip-synching or fraudulent performance" as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to that a performer makes use of his song or music that has been recorded beforehand to substitute for his/ her live performance of the song or music in a performance.

Article 29 For the holding of any charity performance, the relevant formalities for examination and approval shall be handled according to the Regulation and the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation.

Any performer or performance staff member that participates in a charity performance shall not claim any remuneration from the performance. The performance entity or self-employed performer shall, after deducting the necessary costs and expenditures, donate the income as generated from the performance to the social public undertakings and shall not make any profit therefrom.

The income as generated from a charity performance includes the ticket income, the donated funds and materials, the financial aids from advertisement and all the income from the activities relating to the performance.

The necessary costs and expenditures include such expenses as the expenses for food, accommodation and transportation as well as the stage lighting and acoustic equipment, costumes and props, stage art and performance place, and publicity fees, etc……

The performance entity or self-employed performers shall, within10 days after a charity performance is concluded, report the settlement of revenues and expenditures of the performance to the examination and approval organ for archival filing.

Any other charity performance as held in the form as prescribed in Article 3 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation shall be implemented by referring to the provisions of the present Article.

Article 30 An investment entity of commercial performance may enjoy the name-crowning right according to law and may enjoy the right of distributing the income as generated from a performance according to the stipulation of the contract.

Article 31 In a commercial performance, the relevant sponsor shall, according to the designing requirements of the stage, give priority to domestic performance facilities.

Article 32 Where a business entity of singing and dancing entertainment place, stadium, hotel, restaurant, dining place or any other non-performance place requests to hold any commercial performance in its place, it shall entrust a performance brokerage institution to handle it and shall report it to the administrative department of culture according to the prescribed procedures.

Article 33 For any commercial performance, the relevant entity shall obtain the relevant approval before selling any ticket.

Article 34 The administrative department of culture shall grant subsidies and supports to the performances that reflect ethnic features and national level according to the relevant provisions.

The relevant departments of the people's governments above the county level may, according to the relevant provisions of the Regulation and the financial management system, encourage and support the performance that reflects ethnic features and national level.

Article 35 The administrative departments of culture at all levels shall publicize the matters concerning the examination and approval of commercial performance to the society.

Article 36 The administrative departments of culture shall, according to the requirements of the administration of performance, establish a system of reporting performance information, a responsibility system of going on a tour of inspection on the performance market, the system of publicizing the basic information on business entities of performance so as to intensify the administration and supervision of the performance market.

Article 37 The performance industrial association is a self-discipline organization constituted by performance entities and performance practitioners. The members of the performance industrial association may, according to the constitution of the performance industrial association, enjoy the rights and perform the obligations as stipulated in the constitution.

The administrative departments of culture at all levels shall intensify the guidance for and supervision over the performance industrial association.

Article 38 The performance industrial association shall, according to the stipulations of the constitution, perform the following obligations:

(1) Guiding, supervising the business activities of its members and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests thereof;

(2) Formulating the industrial self-discipline standards and promoting industrial self-discipline and fair competition;

(3) Organizing its members to carry out business exchanges and trainings;

(4) Mediating any dispute of its members over performance; and

(5) Performing any other functions and duties as required.

Article 39 The national performance industrial association shall organize and implement the qualification accreditation of performance brokers and shall entrust any other organization as accredited by the performance industrial association at the provincial level or by the administrative department of culture at the provincial level to carry out trainings and the relevant work.

Chapter IV Administration of Commercial Performance License

Article 40 The commercial performance license of an artistic-cultural performance group or a performance brokerage institution shall include 1 original and 2 duplicates. The original of the commercial performance license shall be hung at an eye-catching place of its main office.

The commercial performance license shall be designed by the administrative department of culture of the State Council, shall be printed and produced by the provincial administrative departments of culture according to the requirements of the administrative department of culture of the State Council, shall be filled in, printed and sealed by the issuing organ. The duplicates of the commercial performance license shall be indicated with the name and contact method of the person-in-charge and the handlers of the issuing organ.

Article 41 An artistic-cultural performance group or a performance brokerage institution that has obtained the commercial performance license shall, within 90 days, put the duplicate of its business license as issued by the administrative department of industry and commerce to the administrative department of culture that has issued the commercial performance license on archives.

Article 42 Where the administrative department of culture revokes the commercial performance license of a commercial artistic-cultural performance group or performance brokerage institution, it shall notify the administrative department of industry and commerce to alter the business scope or revoke the business license.

With regard to the commercial performance license of a commercial artistic-culture performance group or performance brokerage institution, any entity or individual shall not capture or detain it except that the administrative department of culture may suspend or revoke it according to law.

Article 43 With regard to the revocation or writing-off of the commercial performance license of a commercial artistic-cultural performance group, it shall be reported to the administrative department of culture at the provincial level for archival filing. As for the revocation or writing-off of the commercial performance license of a performance brokerage institution, it shall be reported to the Ministry of Culture for archival filing.

Article 44 The administrative departments of culture at all levels shall establish a register and archival system of license issuance for commercial artistic-cultural performance groups and performance brokerage institutions as well as a register and archival system of performance places, self-employed performers and self-employed performance brokers.

Article 45 Where the administrative department of culture gives an administrative punishment to an artistic-cultural performance group or a performance brokerage institution, it shall record the punishment decision on the duplicate of the commercial performance license and affix the seal of the organ that has given the punishment and, at the same time, notify the issuing organ of the punishment decision.

Chapter V Penalty Provisions

Article 46 Anyone that violates the provisions of Article 20 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by failing to submit, 1 day before the date of the performance, the certification of passing the inspection and acceptance of performance places according to law as prescribed in Article 21 of the Regulation to the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval of performance and directly holding any commercial performance by using any stage or stand as temporarily built up shall be given a punishment by the administrative department of culture at the county level according to the provisions of Article 44 of the Regulation.

Article 47 Any entity that violates the provisions of Articles 23 and 24 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by failing to perform its obligations in the business activity of a performance and reselling or transferring the operational right of the performance shall be given a punishment according to the provisions of Article 45 of the Regulation.

Article 48 Any professional performer of an artistic-cultural performance group or any teacher or student of a professional art college or university that violates the provisions of Article 25 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by unlawfully holding any commercial performance shall be given a punishment by the administrative department of culture at the county level according to the provisions of Article 43 of the Regulation.

Article 49 Any entity that violates the provisions of Article 26 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by inviting any professional performer of an artistic-cultural performance group or any teacher or student of a professional art college or university to participate in any commercial performance without soliciting the consent of the relevant entity shall be given a warning by the administrative department of culture at the county level and shall be fined 10, 000 yuan up to 30, 000 yuan.

Article 50 Where a professional artistic performer from a foreign country or from Hong Kong or Macao that has been invited by a professional art college or university to engage in teaching or research violates the provisions of Article 27 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by unlawfully engaging in any commercial performance, the administrative department of culture at the county level shall give a punishment according to the provisions of Article 43 of the Regulation.

Article 51 Anyone that cheats the audience by such means as fraudulent musical performance shall be given a punishment according to the provisions of Article 47 of the Regulation.

Article 52 Any entity that violates the provisions of Article 29 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by failing to handle the formalities for examination and approval according to the relevant regulations to unlawfully hold any charity performance or any other public welfare performance shall be given a punishment according to the provisions of Article 43 of the Regulation.

Article 53 A business entity of non-performance places that violates the provisions of Article 32 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by unlawfully holding any performance shall be given a punishment according to the provisions of Article 43 of the Regulation.

Article 54 Any entity that violates the provisions of Article 33 of the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation by unlawfully selling any ticket of performance without any approval shall be ordered to cease its irregularity by the administrative department of culture at the county level and shall be fined 10, 000 yuan to 30, 000 yuan.

Article 55 Any entity that conceals its record of violating the Regulation within the recent 2 years and submits any fraudulent written statement when applying for any foreign-related commercial performance or any commercial performance relating to Hong Kong or Macao shall be fined 30, 000 yuan by the administrative department of culture in charge of the examination and approval.

Chapter VI. Supplementary Provisions

Article 56 The power to interpret the present Detailed Rules for the Implementation shall remain with the Ministry of Culture.

Article 57 The present Detailed Rules for the Implementation shall come into force as of September 1, 2005. The Detailed Rules for Implementing the Regulation on the Administration of Commercial Performance promulgated on July 1, 2004 shall be simultaneously abolished

